Is This What It'll Be Like?

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*A/N- This section is mature. I guess maybe you should just assume there'll be bits and pieces of the mature stuff from now on. If there's anything really heavy (like the italicized bit below), I'll warn you. Thanks!*

Kell kissed my lips, lingering with each press. I gently removed my hand from around him and he gave a little shudder.

"Did I hurt you?" I asked, worried.

"No," he answered. "Just sensitive."

I looked down, between our bodies. I had never seen a naked man before, and I looked up quickly, worried I might embarrass him.

"You can look at me, Lyric," he told me, chuckling a bit. "I don't mind, but wait just a minute."

He jumped up, pulling his underwear back over his hips and leaving his jeans unbuttoned while he went into the bathroom. I heard the water running and I made a move to follow him, but didn't when I couldn't find the towel from my shower. I brought my hand to my head to push the wet hair from my face when I was distracted by the pale, rope-like liquid still on my hands.

"Here," Kell whispered, returning with a wash cloth and cleaning off my hands and tummy. He threw it into the bathroom before jumping into the bed with me.

"You're still dressed," I reported, a little disappointed.

Kell laughed, and rolled onto his side so he could prop his head on his hand.

"I am," he replied.

"Are you going to sleep in your jeans?" I asked.

His face was still a little flushed, and his eyes darkened at my words.

"I don't usually," he answered, using his finger to lift my chin and press his lips to mine again.

I heard a sharp rasp on the door and then James was poking his head in.

"Are you getting up for dinner?" he asked. "Or is this a pizza in bed night?" He smiled.

"Pizza in bed?" I squeaked, taken with the idea. "Can we do that?"

James looked a little surprised and then he laughed. "We can do that if you want to," he answered amused.

"What can we do?" Taylor asked, coming inside and sitting on the edge of the bed.

I was suddenly very aware that all the guys were clothed while I was completely naked under the covers. I was also aware that Kell was shirtless and rumpled, and had an air about him that made me think it was really obvious that we had just done something.

My face flushed and Taylor and James exchanged a glance with Kell.

"Pizza in bed," Kell answered. "Priya wondered if we could eat dinner in bed."

"Hmmm," Taylor answered. "Pizza is pretty greasy to do in bed."

"Oh," I answered, disappointed.

"Hey," Taylor said, capturing my attention. "I don't care if you don't."

I shook my head. "No," I answered, feeling excited. "Can we watch a movie and eat pizza?"

James laughed again. "Of course we can," he answered. "Taylor, go get the pizza and plates from downstairs. Kell, help me with drinks. Lyric, pick a movie."

James stood and tossed me a remote after pressing a button. From above the bureau in front of the bed, a projector lowered from the ceiling. I looked down at the remote and then at the projector with wide eyes.

"Okay," I replied, sure that I would never figure out how to find anything to watch with something as complicated as a ceiling television.

Taylor leaned over, kissing me on the lips. "We'll be right back," he said. "Pick whatever you want."

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now