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I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I shifted uncomfortably, feeling a twinge in my side and overall muscle soreness, like I'd run a race. Not bad, actually, for getting kick around. I stretched carefully in bed before making my way to the bathroom. I didn't look in the mirror, just turned on the shower and went through my morning routine carefully. I wrapped myself in a towel, and crept out of the bathroom, taking a moment to look around me. I saw a music stand and a pile of sheet music near the balcony. A violin lay in its open case. Books were piled up next to the bed. It was messy and lived in, not at all what I expected from Jamie.


I meant James.

He seemed so buttoned up. I thought that every item would have a specific place. I liked the way his room looked lived in, like an outward reflection of the inner workings of his brain. I opened the door to the room. and stuck my head out. No one was in the hall, so I hightailed it to my room. I found the pair of sweatpants and the t-shirt that Taylor had given me my first night here. I had decided that they belonged to me. I tried to put on my bra, but my arms protested the movement when I attempted to fasten the straps behind my back, so I just pulled the t-shirt on before heading downstairs.

I could hear raised voices from the back of the house, James's short and sharp, and Taylor's low and drawn out. I was surprised when I entered the dining room and saw Constance, from the Academy, sitting at the table.

"Lyric," she greeting me, her eyebrows raised as she took in my outfit.

I crossed my arms over my chest self-consciously before pulling out a chair and sitting down.

"Where's Kell?" I asked looking around.

James sat down at the table, and after a moment, Taylor sat as well. His eyes were on the wood, tracing the patterns with one finger.

"He needed to get some air," James answered, meeting my eyes briefly before looking at Taylor again. "He went for a ride."

"Oh," I answered, disappointed. I had hoped to see all of them this morning and do something nice for them after they rescued me yesterday.

"Do any of you want breakfast?" I asked, looking at Constance. "I can make something quickly."

Constance shook her head; I looked at the guys, but they shook their heads as well.

"But you need to eat," Taylor said suddenly, clearing his throat. "You barely got a bite of lunch yesterday before you left..." He trailed off, running his hand through his hair and going into the kitchen quickly.

"So Lyric," Constance said, getting my attention. "Taylor and James called me last night, and have asked for The Academy to help with your living situation."

Did they tell her everything? I wondered.

As if she could read my mind, Constance continued. "They told me about the abuse you suffered," she finished kindly.

I nodded, feeling my face flame, suddenly ashamed.

"Unfortunately," she said softly, "our intervention isn't going to be as straight forward as we hoped."

James was continuing to watch Constance, but I recognized his stressed-out face. I reached across the table for his hand. I tapped on his fist, and he looked at me, his eyes tight and mouth compressed into a white line.

"Jamie?" I whispered worriedly.

"Your mom had already signed away her parental rights," James said, his voice angry, "earlier this week. The Academy discovered she signed a court order granting guardianship to a family member."

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now