Hero and Leandra

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The ride was a jumble of images and blackness. I would look out the window and take in the city signs, but then the car would hit a bump and I'd be jostled and wince and my brain would just... shut off. Then I'd find myself staring at pine trees with no memory of how long I'd been looking.

Officer Standish tried to make conversation with me, but I couldn't follow the threads, so chose to remain quiet. What did I need to say to him, anyway? I'd told him what had happened and he didn't believe me.

The police cruiser turned down a residential street, and stopped in front of an older colonial style house. Officer Standish got out of the car first, before opening the door for me and holding out a hand. I flinched as it came close to me, but then ignored it, dragging myself across the seat until I could get out. As I stood up, my stomach roiled with nausea, threatening me yet again. I forced it back, concentrating instead on walking.

Walking was more than painful; it was a cannonball into memory and I stopped completely. I couldn't move forward, my entire body shook and trembled.

"...Blood test," I heard a woman's voice say and when I looked around, I saw I was seated in a warm and cozily decorated office.

"I'm not qualified to do that," another voice said. "But when the house matron gets back, she'll run all the regular tests and do all the routine exams."

My vision cleared and I saw a small, nervous looking woman sitting at a desk, writing frantically while sneaking glances at me.

"Hello," she said, when my eyes landed on her. "I'm Jasmine. I'm the substitute house mother here at Sheltering Arms. We're a group home for girls, and we're happy to have you." 

"I'm not staying," I told her seriously, ignoring everything else she said while looking around the office.

She cleared her throat. "Well," she said uncomfortable, but trying to be kind, "even if it's for a short time, we're happy to have you. I need to go over some rules with you, and then I'll get you settled in your room."

"I want to go to a hospital," I told her. "I was raped, and despite what Officer Standish and Ms. Craft may have told you, I am not making it up."

Jasmine looked at Officer Standish and Ms. Craft nervously. "Um, we usually do a physical exam, but because I'm just the substitute matron, I'm really not comfortable with that. Maybe you should bring her to the hospital," she finished.

I saw Ms. Craft rub her forehead and Officer Standish frowned at me. "You're wasting a lot of people's time, Lyric," she said. "And you'll be in even worse trouble if you're taking up the time of busy doctors."

I blinked and moved my gaze to Officer Standish. "This is on you," I told him. "Your job is to help people, and you are..." My voice broke. "You are fucking me over right now. So go. Leave. I hope you can live with yourself."

An angry look passed over his face and he stood up. "I don't have time for an entitled delinquent," he said. "I have real victims to help."

"You couldn't tell a victim from a criminal if it was stamped on their forehead," I retorted meanly.

He turned around without another glance and left the office.

I heard Ms. Craft sigh, and then she was lightly touching my arm. I jerked it away, not wanting anyone to touch me. If I never felt another hand on my body that would be fine.

"We really do want to help you," she said.

"You just made things infinitely worse," I told her. "Go. Please. I can't stand to look at any of you."

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now