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Calculus passed quickly. 

After our chapter test, we were to start on our homework. The math was getting harder and harder as the months progressed and I found myself struggling with a problem. I chewed on my eraser, trying to figure out my next step, when I happened to glance up and see James staring at me.

"Need help?" he asked.

I nodded.

He pulled his desk closer to mine and started following my work, marking his progression with his pencil. He stared at the paper, fully engrossed, and it gave me an opportunity to study him. He had the smoothest skin I had ever seen on a person. It was pale, like he didn't go outside much, but nothing about him looked soft. His upper lip was fully than his lower lip and he pressed them together as he studied my paper.

"Here," he said, finally, looking at me and making a dot next to my mistake.

I smiled. "Kell did the same thing when he checked my work in Physics," I said.

James looked up at me, surprised. "Oh?" he said. "Kell checked your work?

"Yes," I answered. "Why?"

"No reason," James said, shaking his head.

I took my sheet from him and went over the paper, noting where I had made a mistake, and then redoing the problem. It worked out, and I was relieved. I hated asking the teacher for help. While she was nice, she would make me stand at the front of the room while she did the problem on the board, her attitude being that, if I had trouble with it, other people probably did and would benefit from seeing it.

I was able to finish my homework before the end of the class, and stood up, a little bit sad because I didn't think that I would have anymore classes with the boys for the rest of today.

"What is next for you?" James asked, reaching for my bag.

I let him take it, and bit my lip to keep from smiling as I realized that each of the boys had carried my bag for me. It made me feel like I was some kind of southern belle. Boys in Maine just didn't have manners like this.

I tapped my finger on my chin as I thought. "Lunch, gym, study hall, art," I listed.

James studied me as I ran down my schedule. "I don't have lunch the same lunch as you," he said, "but I think Taylor might."

"What about tomorrow?" I said, without thinking, and then putting my finger on my lip to stop the rush of words.

James smiled at me as he led me out of the classroom. What was it with these boys and the gentle hand to the back? I was getting used to it and kind of loving it, no, not kind of, definitely loving it.

"Tomorrow I have 'A' lunch," he said, glancing down at me quickly before moving me out of the way of a bunch of football players who were tossing someone's lunch back and forth through the air.

"Me, too," I answered.

"We can eat together," James informed me, "Kell and Taylor have 'A' lunch on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays so we'll all meet and eat together."

I nodded my head, a bubble of happiness erupting inside me. "Okay," I squeaked.

We had reached the lunch room and James began looking around. "There's Taylor," he said and nodded his head at someone I couldn't see over the crush of people.

"Howdy Crash." I heard Taylor's drawl.

"Hi Taylor," I answered shyly.

"Oh no," he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and taking my bag from James. "You can't be shy again. I spent all of Humanities buttering you up."

I couldn't help the laugh that came out of my belly. Taylor smiled broadly at me, his dimples visible in his smooth cheeks. I looked over at James and saw him smiling just as widely.

"Okay," Taylor laughed and waved James away. "It's my turn now. Stop lurking."

"Remember," James told me, "I'm giving you a ride after school, so wait for me in the quad."

I nodded. "Okay."

Taylor pulled me away from James and led me to a line. I pointed my finger at the salad bar and told him. "I'll be right back."

Taylor didn't look happy about it, but he nodded. "I can't eat their pizza," I told him, noting what was "hot" today. "But you're welcome to it." 

He laughed and squeezed my shoulders. I allowed myself to relax and lean into him a minute, before pulling away. I didn't want him to think I was taking advantage of his niceness.

The salad bar was the one line that always moved quickly. People tended to get quick sandwiches or pizza, but because I was so desperate for vegetables and things that didn't come in cans or cardboard boxes, I always got a salad.

The other good thing about the salad bar, was that when no one was looking, I could empty the extra I took into a ziplock baggy I kept in my backpack. Then I'd have food for later.

I was waiting to have my meal card scanned by the kitchen staff when I heard a throat cleared behind me. No one ever spoke to me, so I ignored it, and continued forward in the line.

I had handed the woman my card when I heard the person clear their throat again and then add, "You could at least thank me for your lunch. I mean, it's my parents tax dollars that make it possible for you to have free lunch, Freeloader."

I felt a rush of heat cover my entire body, but I kept my face resolutely forward. I recognized that voice. It was Riley, the girl from physics.

"Did you hear me, Charity Case?" she hissed at me. I felt her breath on my hair, making it waft toward my face. I lifted a shaky hand to tuck my hair behind my ear, before whispering a quiet, "Thank you," to the staff person, who looked at me sympathetically, and moving away.

An explosion of giggles followed my exit, so I concentrated on walking. The last thing I wanted to do was drop my tray after tripping over my own feet. My humiliation quotient had reached its maximum capacity.

I saw Taylor, waiting for me. He stood with his arms crossed and narrowed his eyes. I faltered a moment, before realizing that he was looking over my shoulder. His eyes flashed back to me and he smiled, but I noticed that it didn't touch his eyes and I couldn't see a dimple.

I kept my eyes on his face, because though he looked pissed, I knew it wasn't directed at me, and that made him the only other friendly person in the cafeteria besides the lunch lady. It was because of that I felt what happened next instead of seeing it.


I felt the weight of a body slam into mine and my tray fold up onto my chest. Two hands grabbed my elbows, holding onto me and pulling me forward.

"What did Taylor call you?" a voice hissed in my ear, "Crash? You should really be more careful," he said the last part loudly while looking around.

I couldn't hear anything past the blood whooshing in my ears as my heart pounded. Keefe set me back from him, and my tray dropped noisily to the floor.

Well, I thought staring down at my salad covered sweatshirt, people are certainly noticing me now.

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