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I couldn't stop thinking about Kell. Something was wrong. Really wrong. I tapped my finger against my lips.

"What's the matter, Crash?" Taylor asked, reaching over to take my hand.

I shook my head. I couldn't really put into words what it was that was bothering me about Kell, but then again, Taylor and James knew Kell better than me.

"Are you worried about Kell?" I asked him.

He looked over at me briefly, shifting on the seat and letting go of my hand. His arm snaked across the back of the bench seat, and he cupped my neck.

"A little," he answered finally. "He's always been hard to read."

"He's upset," I replied. "I think."

"He's worried," Taylor corrected. "He needs to work things out in his head and then he'll be better."

I bit my lip, not liking the idea of My Kell sitting home alone worrying himself to death.

"I hope he's okay," I whispered. "I'm just...I worry."

"Do you think he'll come to school?" I asked, looking over at Taylor who had become more and more quiet the ride progressed. He pulled into the school parking lot and put the truck in park.

"Probably not today," he answered, pulling out the key, and jerkily grabbing his bag.

He got out of the truck, closing the door with a little more force than necessary and walked around to my side of the truck. He opened the door before I could, and putting his hands around my waist, helped me jump down.

"Are you okay?" I asked, when he didn't meet my eyes, just started walking to the school.

"Yeah," he answered, holding the door for me. "I'm fine."

We walked silently through the halls, my stomach a ball of nervousness. Something was wrong with my boys, and I couldn't help thinking it was my fault. Taylor walked me right to art class, looking into the room quickly, and waiting for me to enter.

"Taylor," I said, putting my hand on his arm. "Tex..."

"I'm fine, Lyric," he said, coldly. "James will get you after class."

I mashed my lips together, and walked into the classroom, sitting down at a table, and waiting for Mrs. Brawn to give us directions.

The door opened quickly, and a breathless Garret walked into class. I looked down at the table immediately. I had gone from nervous about Kell, to more nervous about Taylor, to a complete and utter mess when faced with Garret Sorenson, my alleged guardian. I pulled my hands under the table, gripping them together as they started to shake.

You have no reason to be scared of him, I told myself. He's a Dad for crying out loud. He's not some crazy stranger. He is your family.

Mrs. Brawn greeted Garret, who began passing out graph paper and mechanical pencils, and describing our task to design a building in the style of Frank Lloyd Wright. Most of the class barely restrained their groans, but I was intrigued.

Focus on this, I thought.

I tried to let the task take over my brain, but my pencil hovered over the blank sheet of paper. Taylor and Kell's coldness seeped into my skin like a physical thing, making me shiver. I bit my lip when I felt tears start to threaten.

I will not cry in school, I will not cry in school.

"Hey," I heard Garret whisper next to me.

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now