Our Room

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James carried me inside.

It was weird, or strange, or some emotion I couldn't identify, but each challenge that we faced only brought us closer together. It made me more sure of how they felt about me. Each doubt was allayed until I was more confident of their love, and I hoped, they were more confident of mine.

"You guys know," I said, as James carried me up the stairs and I could watch them over his shoulder, "that nothing could make me not love you, right?"

Kell's black eyes seemed to get even darker, but he nodded.

Taylor's eyes sparkled and his dimples deepened. "I know."

James stopped at the top of the stairs. "Can I kiss you?" he asked.

I nodded, feeling my face get hot. "You don't have to ask," I whispered.

His eyes searched mine, before he tilted his face toward me and pressed his lips to mine. I gasped into his mouth and he took the opportunity to nibble my lower lip.

I reached into his hair, holding his face to mine. "Jamie," I whispered into his mouth.

He gave a soft groan and deepened the kiss, his tongue tasting mine, tracing my lips and then delving back inside my mouth for another taste.

I heard a groan behind me before a muscled chest pressed against my back and light kisses traced the side of my neck. I reached a hand back, running my hand through the long locks: Taylor. My body was overwhelmed by sensation, making me out of breath and dizzy and euphoric all at once. My head fell back against Taylor's chest without me thinking and I zinged the back of my head, pulling in a quick injured breath.

"Guys," I heard Kell say in a tight voice.

Taylor gave me one last lingering kiss on my neck before he stepped away and James lightly tugged my lower lip before pulling back.

"Bed," he said, his eyes dark.

I nodded, my body aching.

It was like someone lit a fire under his feet, James moved so fast. I expected him to take me to his room, but he went to the end of the hall and opened the door to stairs I'd never seen before. He climbed up quickly, and I could hear the boys behind us, their treads heavy on the stairs.

My breath caught as my eyes landed on the room. It was at least twice the size of the room James had already given me, and was made almost entirely of windows. I could see the ocean from one side of the room, and tops of nearby houses through the other. But most of the room was taken up by an absolutely huge bed.

"Holy cow," I whispered.

James cleared his throat and looked down at me, his face pink. He looked unsure and glanced toward the other guys, who, when I looked at them, looked nervous.

I tapped James' chest, letting him know I wanted to get down. He slowly lowered me to the floor and I stood for a moment, looking around. My finger came up to my lip and I started walking around the perimeter of the room. I saw two doors and opened the first. It was a huge closet, with room for the few things I owned and anything else I might ever buy for infinity.

"We can share this, right?" I asked. "It's way too much space for me," I said.

James nodded, stuffing his hands in his pocket watching me closely, like I may run away at any moment.

I wasn't going anywhere.

The next door was a bathroom, and it was the size of my old room.

Kell cleared his throat. "We...um," he looked over at Taylor and James when I looked at him. "We wanted this to be our room. For all of us."

It was overwhelming, humbling. At every turn they put me first. I wondered what time they sacrificed to do this for me. I wondered what this room was before I came into their lives. It had such beautiful light. It seemed like a perfect place to play music, or read, or listen to music. I could see any one of the guys using this space to relax.

I saw how closely they were watching me, waiting for my response.

"I love it," I whispered. "It's the most beautiful room in the world." 

Taylor scoffed, but I could see he also looked proud.

"Was this your idea?" I asked him, moving a little bit closer.

He shrugged.

"It was," Kell told me.

"But they agreed right away," Taylor added.

Their words tumbled over each other's. I loved how they tried to credit one another, complimenting this one for this idea, and this one for another. There was no jealousy, no seeking to one-up each other. No one was stepping forward looking to be rewarded for their brilliance. It was a rare thing and one that made me so so grateful.

"I love it so much," I whispered, turning to each one of them and pressing a kiss to their cheeks. As I stood on my tiptoes, my hands on Taylor's shoulders, I felt a twinge of pain. My head pounded, reminding me that I'd been injured. I caught a glimpse of my hand on Taylor's shoulder, and winced at the blood beneath my fingernails. 

I slowly stepped away from him, clasping my hands in front of me. I wanted to explore the room more, but in my current state, I felt like I would sully it.

"Do you mind if I take a shower?" I asked. "I feel like I have hospital stuck to me."

"Of course," James answered. "I'm going to run downstairs to get your clothes."

"Okay," I said closing the door.

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