Teasing over Spaghetti

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(A/N- I hope you enjoy a short scene. I just wanted to give you something other than angst. Please feel free to comment!). 

When the Taylor and James got home in the evening, I had almost forgotten about the mean woman at the mall.

Kell had kept me busy, um...occupied, um...kept my mind off of things... I blushed when I caught myself staring off into space, thinking about his arms, his chest, his neck.

"Pregnancy hormones," James whispered in my ear, nipping my lobe and making me jump.

I blushed again. "I can't help it," I whispered.

"I don't want you to help it," he said, kissing my neck and stepping away from me.

I stared at the pantry, trying to remember what I was looking for before remembering: spaghetti. Being pregnant had affected both my hormones and my memory, one was okay, especially with three guys ready to tend to my every need, but the second was infinitely frustrating.

"You're boiling over," Taylor said lowering the heat on the stove.

James gave me a nudge in the back, making me blush further.

"Argh!" I groaned, their teasing was killing me.

"Leave her alone," Kell said from the dining room table. He had all of his medical books spread out as he studied for his MCATs.

"We can help you with the anatomy and physiology portion later, Kell," James said, and I froze, my mind going back to the very first time we had been intimate, before babies and Garret.

Even with everything that had happened, I was finding happiness. We had settled into a routine: school, studying, work for the Academy, planning for the baby. We were learning to live together and I was seeing for the first time, what a family could be like.

James wrapped his arm around my waist, grabbing a wooden spoon and stirring the pasta while he spoke to Taylor. I had tuned out most of their conversation, but I loved the way they spoke. They finished each other's sentences, or just started with a single word and then the other would pick up the thread. Every once in a while, James would kiss my cheek, or squeeze my waist. Taylor stood with his back to the sink, his hands behind him, gripping the rim while he concentrated on James. He wore a t-shirt and jeans, and I could tell from his hair that he had come from the gym.

"What do you think?" he asked, his dimpled smile turning my way.

"Huh?" I asked inarticulately.

"Well, Crash," he said, crossing his arms and giving me a look of mock disapproval. "I assumed by the way you were staring at me that you were listening to our conversation." 

James chuckled and I lightly smacked his stomach, my hand lingering for longer than needed. Oh my god, what was wrong with me? This was insane. They were people, not just muscles and hotness...

I shook my head. "I'm sorry, what?"

"Pregnant Lyric is funny," Kell muttered from the dining room.

"Taylor was asked to instruct with the physical requirements at Academy bootcamp," James said, taking pity on me.

"You would be great at that!" I enthused. "Will it interfere with finishing high school?"

"I can do both," Taylor said. "I really only need another credit or so. I've been taking college classes at the same time I've been in high school. Besides, I'm going to be a dad, and this will let me be home more." 

I pushed my finger to my lips. "But is that what you want to do?" I asked worried.

Taylor shrugged. "I like the idea of doing something related to physical training, and I love my team. I think this would be a good use of my skills."


Taylor waited and when I didn't continue he sighed and stepped forward, putting his hands on my shoulders and pulling me toward him. "I'm not settling Lyric," he said, "if that's what you're worried about. I don't feel like I'm giving up any sort of dream. The Academy is offering me an opportunity to be useful and stay nearby while we get our family settled. I want to do this." 

I breathed in the smell of his skin, kissing it through the fabric of his shirt. "I just don't want you to resent me." 

Never," James whispered in my ear. "We chose you, Lyric. Trust us. You're everything we want."

"We want you!" Kell called out.

I laughed.

"He's in a funny mood," Taylor observed.

James shook his head. "He's acting a lot like he used to," he noted.

"I'm getting comfortable," Kell retorted.

The sound of water hissing took our attention off each other. James drained the pasta and I gave the meatballs and sauce one more stir.

"You want to move your books, Kell?" I called out, putting the pasta in a big bowl and drizzling olive oil over it.

I heard the sound of paper shuffling, and then I felt him behind me. "Let me carry the hot stuff," he said, and with a swift movement, lifted me into his arms. I heard James and Taylor laugh as Kell brought me into the dining room and seated me in a chair.

"Haha," I said, "but I appreciate the sentiment."

Kell gave me a pointed look, one that made me swallow hard and yearn for bed.

"Yup," James said, sitting next to me, and peering into my face, "pregnancy hormones." 

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now