Two Princes

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I stood up and looked out the window at the same time as Garret. I expected to see the boys, but the men that were leaving their car parked in the driveway weren't people I knew. Garret looked at me briefly, and I shrugged. I could see what Marie meant about them being princes. One had a shock of white blonde hair, and if a man could walk regally and still be manly, that was how he moved.

Garret made it to the door and opened it before they could knock.

"Mr. Sorenson?" I heard one ask, his voice accented.

"Yes," Garret replied.

"I am Hans Kaiser and this is Philip Emeer. We were wondering if you had time to speak with us about your recent court appointed guardianship of the minor Lyric Sorenson."

Garret glanced at me quickly. "Just a moment," he told them, and looking at me said, "Please stay here."

"If it's about me, shouldn't I know?" I asked.

I saw a man peek his head around the corner. "Yes," he answered me.

"No," Garret answered firmly. "She's a minor, as you said, and in my custody. I decide what she is a part of. Stay here," he directed me, and left the house, closing the door firmly behind him.

"Did you see the princes?" Marie asked, and went to the bay window, jumping up and pulling herself until she could prop her body on the deep sill. "I like the one with the brown hair. He looks like the boy from Sleeping Beauty."

I walked over to the window, and looked out. I could see the men talking to Garret, who stood with his arms crossed and his eyes narrowed, shaking his head. One of the men, the one from Sleeping Beauty, held out some paper to Garret, who reluctantly uncrossed his arms and took them. I saw him flip through them hurriedly and then start arguing. I couldn't make out what he was saying, though I could hear his raised voice. The men were unperturbed at his outburst, as if they saw grown men throw fits everyday.

Finally Garret threw the papers up in the air, and pointed his finger into the man's chest, his face red and angry. I saw the blonde man move forward neatly, and I wondered if Garret recognized that these men were poised to defend themselves if he continued his aggression.

In an instant, he seemed to deflate, and stepped back. Both men stepped forward and said something to Garret that made him slouch. He gave a nod, and I heard the door open. "Lyric," Garret called. "Can you come out here a moment?"

Marie looked at me, wide-eyed. "The princes want you," she said.

I smiled at her, and walked out of the house. I rubbed my sweaty palms on my jeans and crossed my arms, propping one hand to tap my finger against my lips.

"Miss Sorenson," Hans, the blonde, said. "My colleague and I represent the school to which you were recently accepted."

My eyes widened and my heart started pounding, hopeful that they had come to take me away.

"When the school was informed of the change in you guardianship, we were asked to contact your new guardian and let him know of your enrollment."

I felt a crash of disappointment. That was all? They were just here to tell Garret I had been accepted into the Academy?

"Mr. Sorenson has objected to your school placement, and so we were asked to make sure that your continued enrollment was part of a court order. We were letting Mr. Sorenson know that a judge has agreed with the school and that your best educational placement is at the Academy," Hans finished.

"It is unnecessary," Garret argued, stepping forward again and putting his hand on my shoulder. "There is a perfectly adequate school nearby. Lyric is participating in accelerated classes and is on track to graduate early. She needs to stay with us, her family."

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