Gone- Garret's Point of View

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Kate greeted me at the door, wrapping her arms around my waist and laying her head on my chest.

"Did you work out what you needed to?"

My heart was broken. I had sunk to depths of depression I never thought were possible. But I worked it out. I worked out that I was going to live an unfulfilling life. My arms came up and I gave her a small squeeze before I stepped away from her and into our house.

"Hi Daddy!" Marie said, greeting me from the couch.

I smiled at her and made my way up the stairs and into the bedroom. I could hear Kate behind me.


"You were right."

Kate walked around me and sat on the bed. "She's moved on."

I nodded, rubbing my eyes. "She's with those boys. They have a house together. She's graduated."

Kate rubbed her belly.

"How are you feeling?" I asked.

Her eyes flashed at me. "Oh great," she answered snidely. "My husband just got back from a trip to visit his teenage lover and has returned to me looking like a kicked puppy, so I'm feeling really good about everything right now."

I sat on the bed.

"I'm sorry."

"No, you're not," Kate answered. "You're sorry she doesn't love you. And you're sorry you got arrested. You're sorry you were beat up by a kid, but you're not sorry about what you've done to me. To our family. Don't say you're sorry, Garret. I don't want to hear it."

"Fine!" I stood up and walked away from her. "I loved her, Kate! She was fresh and innocent and sweet, and she loved me. We loved each other! I know we did! Even if that's not true anymore, it was once. I always love her..."

Kate's face got red, and she stood up. "And what about me, Garret? What about Marie and this baby?"

I sighed. "I don't know, Kate," I said, suddenly feeling every year of my age. "I will take care of you. I just... I don't know."

Kate narrowed her eyes at me. "Well at least you were honest."

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now