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Taylor and Kell ran a two-man defense the rest of the day. Someone was always walking to me to class, shouldering other students out of my way. When we were in class, they sat next to me, their bodies physical barriers between me and the world. Other times, they held my bag while simultaneously holding open doors. After a lifetime of watching out for myself, their attention was welcome. I honestly didn't know how either of them got any of their own work done, they seemed so focused on me. 

Taylor had met Kell and me at the door of the lunch room, but instead of following us inside, he led us to his truck. It was a chilly day but sunny. Taylor lowered the tailgate and put a mover's pad on the bed of his truck. Kell jumped up first and with Taylor's hands on my hips, they managed to get me up.

"Thanks," I said. "I thought I was going to have to climb up the tire."

Taylor chuckled and settled himself next to me. I reached into my backpack to get my sandwich and Kell and Taylor took out theirs. Kell watched me closely, chewing silently. Taylor opened a water bottle and handed it to me.

I swallowed and gave him a close mouthed smile before taking a long drink. "Thanks, Taylor," I said, after a moment.

"Lyric," Kell said as I lowered the bottle. "Who was that man?" 
The hand holding the cap of the bottle shook, and I struggled to put it back on the water.

Taylor covered my hand with his, taking it into his strong fingers and capping it for me. "It's okay," he whispered.

I was silent as I tried to gather the threads of my thoughts.

"I was at the library," I said to Kell, my finger pushing up to my lip. I bit down nervously, but Kell gave me an encouraging nod. I lowered my hands to my lap and clasped them together. A strong brown hand took one of my hands and gently separated it from the other, and then another hand, calloused and slightly paler, took the other. Neither Taylor nor Kell looked at me, instead they both held my hand, anchoring me.

"I was reading," I continued, watching our hands, "and he came over to talk to me. He asked me about my book, where I was studying, if I was college. I didn't really talk to him," I added. "He made me uncomfortable, but he was there with his daughter."

Taylor squeezed my hand and I looked up at him. He raised his eyebrows questioningly. "He's a dad," I explained. "Why would a dad be interested in a high school girl?"

"Why, indeed," Kell asked under his breath, looking pointedly at Taylor. I shivered at his words, remembering my discomfort.

"Ruby, the librarian, told him my name. For babysitting. I hadn't seen or heard from him, but it was only a few days ago. He said he called my house. That my dad was his cousin. His name is Garret Sorenson," I trailed off, moving my feet back and forth, kicking the shadows on the pavement.

"So why was he in your class?" Taylor asked, nudging me with his shoulder.

I opened my mouth to answer, before Taylor interrupted me. "Keefe," he said, nodding his head. I looked up quickly and saw Keefe standing nearby.

"Taylor," Keefe replied, giving him a chin tilt as acknowledgment.

Taylor took a sip of his water, tilting his head back to the sun. "What can I do for you?" he asked in a lazy voice, his accent more pronounced. He let go of my hand and capped his bottle, but Kell held onto me, his fingers tight.

I looked down at my now free hand and turned it, cupping my knee.

"You comin' to practice today?" Keefe asked.

"If there's a practice, then I reckon I'll be there," Taylor said, pushing his hair out of his face and giving Keefe a smile that screamed trouble.

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now