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a/n: This chapter is mature.

(This chapter is dedicated to Bethany. She is a dear dear friend of mine who helps me talk about things that are slightly awkward.)

I took my time in the shower, filling my hands with shampoo and scrubbing the strands of hair before cupping the water in my hands and dumping it over my head. The doctor hadn't said anything about my stitches getting wet, and I could feel my hair was crunchy with who knows what.

I carefully shaved my legs and under my arms, soaping up my body and trying to calm my racing heart. Would we all sleep in the bed together? What if someone was left out? I only had two sides, how would this work?

I heard a knock on the door and peeked from behind the curtain. "Yes?"

The door opened a crack. "Are you okay, Priya?" Kell asked.

I nodded, and then squeaked out, "Yes."

He came inside the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

"I worried you might feel dizzy," he explained, his face slightly red from the heat or embarrassment, I couldn't tell.

"I'm okay," I answered, and then hesitated, watching Kell's face closely, "but you could stay while I finish up? Just in case?"

He nodded quickly, seeming to like the idea.

I pulled my head back into the shower and put my razor to the side. I hadn't felt dizzy before, but with just the shower curtain separating me and Kell, I did now.

"Can you hand me a towel?" I asked Kell after I shut off the water.

I reached a hand out of the curtain. I felt a soft kiss on the palm of my hand, and then one on my wrist and another just inside my elbow before a towel was placed in my hand. I slowly pulled my arm back inside the shower and wrapped the towel around me, shivering slightly at the emotions swamping me.

I pulled back the shower curtain and came face to face with Kell.

"Hi," he said, smiling.

"Hi," I whispered, pushing my wet hair from my face.

His eyes tracked my hand then slowly drifted down my face and neck before focusing on my chest. He looked up at my eyes quickly when he realized where he was looking.

"Sorry," he said embarrassed, his cheeks flaming.

"It's okay," I told him, smiling a little. I felt happy that he could be distracted by my body, I wanted him to be. I wanted to be everything that was pleasing and good for him.

I followed him into our room. "Where are Taylor and James?" I asked when I saw that no one else was there.

"James is taking a shower downstairs," Kell answered, "and Taylor is on the phone with Constance."

"Oh," I said,

"They agreed to give me a little bit of time with you," he added.

"Oh," I said, this time a little breathlessly.

I risked a glance at him.

He laughed nervously and massaged the back of his neck. "I, um." He looked around.

"Are you okay?" I asked, stepping forward and laying my hand on his arm before looking up into his face.

Kell sighed and laughed again, this time without humor. "I don't know, Priya," he said.

I pulled him toward the giant bed, looking around once for clothes to change into, but when I didn't see any, dismissing them from my mind immediately. Kell wanted to talk to me and I didn't need clothes that.

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now