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(A/N- As the title suggests, this entire chapter is mature. As always, please comment and vote. Let me know who's out there!) 

Taylor drove us home in record time. When I would ride on the back of Kell's bike, and I would wrap my arms around his waist and close my eyes because the scenery whipped by so fast, I would feel this flutter in my stomach. There was something about the skill with which they drove, weaving through traffic, accelerating, shifting, that was so male, it made everything in me swoon. It wasn't very girl-power of me to be turned on by watching a man drive fast and drive well, but that's what it was.

He pulled into the driveway and was around the side of the car and pulling me out almost before I could unbuckle my seatbelt.

He lifted me into his arms and I wrapped my legs around his waist and attached my lips to his. When I tried to look over my shoulder as he started walking, he growled warningly, and I giggled into his mouth. His hand came up to my neck, keeping my head in place while he continued to kiss me. There was no finesse in our kissing. It was purely, divinely, desperate. It wasn't subtle nor was it skilled. All I could think was lips lips lips, and drowned in the sensation of Taylor holding me. Our bodies separated for a moment while he opened the door, but then we were kissing again and the next thing I knew my back was on the couch and Taylor was hovering over me.

I opened my eyes.

"You'll tell me," Taylor whispered, pecking my lips again before drawing back, "if there are any bad moments." 

I nodded. There wouldn't be. I was so thoroughly immersed in the sensations he caused within me.

His head lowered to mine, but I kept my eyes open, watching his green eyes come closer and closer. Even when he got blurry and cyclops-y, I kept my eyes open.

This was Taylor.

My Tex.

My love who wanted to protect me so much and hurt so badly when he couldn't.

"I love you," I whispered against his mouth, and his eyes closed, while his lips captured mine.

Each kiss was a like soothing a sore I didn't know I had. My lips were warm and achey, and he drew away that ache with his tongue. They pressed against mine and I let my tongue come out to taste him. I lightly traced his lower lip, feeling just a little bit of scratchiness where his lip met his chin. The scratchiness was so appealing that I moved away from his lips, kissing down his chin and along his jaw. He lifted his face to give me a better angle, and I had to taste him. I gently rasped against his jaw with a sucking kiss, pulling his skin into my mouth, tasting it, and releasing it.

"Lyric." His voice was a sigh.

I kissed my way along his jaw until I reached his ear. I could smell his muskiness and the soap he'd used this morning. When I reached his ear, I bit down gently on the lobe, enjoying the way the soap filled my senses.

"I've wanted you so much," I whispered into his ear, feeling brave. "I've ached for you." 

Taylor groaned and turned his head quickly, catching my mouth again. His tongue thrust against mine, retreating and entering my mouth. The heat it caused in my body made me pant and arch into him. As I arched, he flexed until our bodies were completely aligned and I could feel him, hard and erect, between my legs.

His lips moved away from mine and then he was mirroring the kisses I had just given him; kissing down my chin, down my neck, along my jawline, sucking and releasing the skin until he reached my ear and then whispering, "You're too much for me, Lyric. You're going to burn me up."

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now