Constance's Point of View, Part 2

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(A/N- How's everyone doing? Are you still with me? I hope so. Please feel free to leave a comment. I appreciate all the ones people have left- they are helping me add explanations and details). 


Thirty minutes later, when the lawyer walked in, I could have groaned.

It was Liam. Grumpy, abrupt, visiting and therefore away from Lily, so extra grumpy and abrupt: Liam.

"Hi," I said smiling, despite my clenched teeth. "Thanks for coming."

He shook my outstretched hand and grunted. "Where are they?"

I pointed to both of the doors.

"How long?" he asked.

"Since I called," I answered, a little shortly.

He raised one strawberry eyebrow. "Thirty to thirty-five minutes," I conceded, it was very difficult not to roll my eyes at this man. I didn't know how Lily could stand him.

Liam walked over to one of the doors and knocked smartly until it opened and a guard appeared, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "Can I help you?" he asked.

"Yes," Liam answered. "You need to turn the minors, Kell Garewal and James McInnish, over to their guardian, Constance Lodge. In point of fact, you have no legal reason to hold them. You search and you release. That is what you do."

I watched the guard's hand crumple up the napkin. "You got proof she's their guardian?" he asked. "Because, point in fact, it's a little weird to have two minors, one who's a Pakistani or some such, comin' into the courthouse in Kennebunkport, Maine."

Liam held out a paper and the guard looked it over, clearly unimpressed with Liam. "You got ID?" he asked me.

I took out my wallet, and gave him my best dimpled smile, turning on the southern charm that I'd left behind years ago. "Yes, Sir, I do," I answered, handing it to him.

He smiled at me, and looked at my license. "Well," he said, "I am sorry for the mix-up, but you gotta understand, we can't be too careful these days."

"Of course we understand," I answered like butter wouldn't melt in my mouth. "We sure do appreciate all your hard work."

The guard smiled at me once more before he looked at Liam. The way his face changed would have been comical if it wasn't for the worry nagging me.

He turned around, and a moment later, Kell appeared.

"Have you spoken to Taylor?" he asked me immediately, shrugging into his jacket.

I shook my head. "No," I answered. "There was some sort of altercation at the school. We'll meet him at the hospital."

"The hospital?!" James voice was deep and worried as he strode toward me, holding out his hand authoritatively for his phone.

I handed it to him, and saw him quickly thumbing through it.

"Son of a bitch," he said, meeting Kell's eyes as we all exited the courthouse and began down the stairs.

"Liam," I commanded. "You go to the hospital with me. I know Kell and James want to get back to the school to check on Lyric. The three of them will meet us there later."

"Who's Lyric?" Liam was asking right before I heard James make a sound I never wanted to hear again. One that reminded me of firefights and IEDs. One that was more animal than human.

"NO!" he cried out. "KELL!"

Something in his voice made fear tremble begin in my spine. His face was white, utterly and completely white, down to his lips, and he hunched over as if he'd been gutted.

He stood for a second, as if made of stone, as he stared at his phone in horror.

"What!?" Kell asked, grabbing the phone. "What? Jesus, James, what?!"

He looked down at the screen, and his eyes widened before he swayed, gripping the bannister.

"Let's go," he said, before he began running down the steps with James stumbling after him.

"Get to Lyric's," he yelled at me. "Call every fucking person you know."

I ran down after them, my hands shaking as I fumbled for my phone as the phrase, "fucked up," echoed through my brain. I had fucked up, I knew it. I watched James struggle to open the door, I had never seen him uncoordinated before.

"Kell," I choked out as he jumped into the car. "What happened?"

The voice that left his throat was ravaged, as if he'd been screaming at the top of lungs but I hadn't heard him make a sound. "He raped her," he answered. "Garret raped Lyric." 

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