Where are the Boys? Constance's Point of View

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When I was in the Army, we had a word for days like today.


This whole morning was a massive clusterfuck.

I had given up on the paperwork at the courthouse, and was now on the horn with the Academy. The asshole guards wouldn't let me back to see James or Kell, despite me telling them that I was their guardian. I hadn't heard from Taylor and that worried me. I'd get James and Kell out eventually, but Taylor never went dark. Especially not from me. 

I waited on a bench in the hallway for the lawyer, who should be appearing any moment, and opened up James' phone. It was thumbprint protected, but it recognized mine.

Right away a video of a classroom appeared, and I realized that the boys had been monitoring Lyric.

I sighed.


I knew from the time they introduced her that they had feelings for her. When they told me that they wanted to adopt her into their family, it just confirmed my suspicions. But it was okay. She was a good candidate for adoption. She was smart, and had a bright successful future if she could just catch a break.

The Academy excelled at providing those breaks.

So I had okay'ed it. Started the adoption, but at every single turn there was an issue.

I schooled my features, as I sat, hoping I hadn't let my annoyance cross my face. I tried not to let my frustration show and flipped through cameras. I accessed a hallway camera and saw a huge pile up of bodies on the floor.

Fuck. A. Duck.

It was Taylor at the bottom of that pig-pile.

I got on the phone again, calling my mentor. "I need lawyers at the school," I told him. "I know I said I needed them at the courthouse, but I need them at the school too."

"What's going on Constance?" he asked in his low southern drawl.

"I don't know," I answered, "but I think I'll probably need you at the hospital as well."

"Of course," he said calmly. "It's all in motion. Just sit tight, you should have support any moment." 

I hung up the phone, staring at Taylor's prone body on the floor while person after person disentangled their body from the pile. He remained unmoving until EMTs ran up to him, stabilizing his neck and flipping him over. I immediately forgot about Kell and James, and the mess-up at the courthouse.

What had happened? Taylor was rough, but he was smart, and he never acted aggressively without thinking things through. I had never seen him engage physically in an altercation he couldn't win.

I felt a yawning pit open up in my stomach.

I didn't know what was happening, but it wasn't good. 

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