A Well-Executed Plan

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(A/N- In this chapter I go into the crazy that is Garret's mind. So if you don't want to read it, feel free to skip that part. You'll know it's coming because it says, "Garret." Please comment and review!) 


Kate's Point of View

I put my hand against my belly, pressing hard where I just felt the tiny little flutter that let me know my baby was awake.

Garret was looking like a kicked puppy, gazing longingly down the driveway, as if that little slut was going to coming bouncing, or roller skating, or whatever the hell it was sluts did, begging him to stay. Maybe she had. I didn't know and I really didn't care.

I should have known when Garret said he wanted to become guardian for a niece! We've been here a year and suddenly he's tracking down family he's never made an effort to see before, and telling me he wants to bring her home, and that she'll help me out around the house. He doesn't even like children. Why didn't I suspect anything when he developed an overwhelming concern for one? He never made any effort to be with Marie. The most he would do would be to bring her to storytime at the library once in a blue moon.

Help me? She was supposed to help me! I laughed out loud.

I certainly didn't need the kind of help she'd given.

My blood pressure started rising, I could feel it under my skin, making my heart pound and my head ache, making my already tired and stressed body feel even more tired and stressed.

"Mommy?" Marie asked me, and I looked down at her.

She was watching me, pulling on my hand and I hadn't even felt it.

"What?" I asked, my voice sharper than I intended.

"Tell me about Grammie's again," she demanded.

I sighed and looked over at Garret who was checking out the moving van.

He thinks that I did this in a day.

What an idiot.

But I was dedicated to this family. It was mine, and no one would take it from me. If I hadn't been so determined,  I would have left him long ago.

I knew after that hospital visit, when that... that... whore... was surrounded by boys; the richest boy in town, and the foreign one, and the cowboy, that she was up to something. She wanted to stay with the rich boy? Let her. I wanted her gone.

And Garret? 
He wanted her to come home with us. Like I would ever ever let that dirty-minded, husband-stealing bitch through my door again.

I had called that night. I had arranged for Garret to take a position in my father's engineering firm. Engineering/architecture, whatever. He'd figure it out. And anyway, that was where I met him. It was good enough for him once, it would be good enough again.

We would go away. Get away from this town, and that girl.

This! This is what happened when parents let their daughters run around without supervision. They slept with everyone they met. It didn't matter if the entire town was looking at them, judging them. They did whatever they wanted, and didn't care about the consequences.

My mouth was dry and my head was pounding now.

"Garret," I said with finality, as the movers closed and locked the back of the van. "Let's go."

Garret's Point of View

Kate wanted to go. She wanted to be closer to her family in Illinois, but how was I supposed to leave Lyric?

She needed me.

And after what we had done. A man didn't just leave a woman after that.

Kate finished directing the movers. It was amazing what enough money could buy. One day's notice and we were packed and moving, and our house back on the rental market. I rubbed my hand across my chest. When I left here, my heart would stay.

Maybe I could come back for Lyric.

I rubbed my forehead. Everything was happening so quickly. I had planned on courting and dating, humoring, and first kisses. Instead, everything had been rolled up into one quick event, which, though beautiful, was not how I had hoped it would happen.

"Let's go, Garret," Kate snapped at me, standing up and stretching after buckling Marie into her carseat.

Was this really my life now? A pregnant wife and a toddler and a job and that's it? What about dreams? What about aspiring for more?

Lyric understood that. She aspired for more, getting out of that trailer, good grades in high school.

I felt a tiny prick of unease about the police report I had made this morning, but when I'd returned, Kate had taken one look at me and told me to make the call. She told me I had "ruined everything."

Not for me.

I had taken a step toward the most amazing and incredible thing that had ever happened in my entire life. I thought about Lyric's eyes, her hair, her soft skin. I would love her until I died.

I moved like a robot to the driver's seat of the car, buckling up, and putting in the car in drive. Heading toward a future I didn't want, away from the one I did. 

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