Waiting, Wishing, and Hoping

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A/N: Thank you for reading. I was hoping you would let me know if you think the story is moving too slowly. Is it still holding your interest??  Thanks so much~ Ripley


"Which prince was yours?" Marie asked, still looking out the window when I walked in.

"Um," I hesitated, then answered. "The last three."

Marie's head whipped toward me. "All three?" she asked.

I nodded. "They're all my friends."

She shrugged, crawling off the window sill and going back to her kitchen. "Can we play now?"

I nodded, feeling bad that she'd been alone in the house. I had spent a lot of time by myself, probably at the same age as her, and I felt guilty that I had gotten caught up in my own drama and ignored a her. It felt reminiscent of my mother.

I sat on the floor, and let Marie pour me tea and bake me hamburger cake pizza cookies, and waited for the boys. I couldn't imagine that they would leave without saying goodbye, but I also couldn't imagine that Garret would let them inside.

The door finally opened, and Taylor peeked his head inside. "Hey Crash," he said, smiling at me, and coming inside.

"Hey," I said quietly, biting my lip to keep from smiling so widely.

"We can't stay," he began, his eyes full of some unnamable emotion.

"You can't?" My voice broke and I cleared my throat.

"Naw," he replied, shaking his head. "But we'll be back, after this little lady goes to bed. We'll get you for a study session."

Marie offered Taylor a cookie, and he took it, pretending to eat it when she gave him a well? what are you waiting for? expression.

"It's delicious," he told her. "Best cookie I ever had. Thank you." 

"You're a prince," she told him, taking back the cookie. "Not a cowboy." She glared at him angrily.

Taylor raised an eyebrow.

"I'll explain later," I told him. "So what time will you be back?"

"About eight," he answered, "but, will you do me a favor Crash, and keep this on you?" He gave me a phone. "Our numbers are already programmed into it. Use it if you need it. For anything." 

I heard the door open, and saw Garret. "Enough," he stated coldly.

I took the phone, and put it in my back pocket. "Thanks," I told him. "I'll see you later."

He nodded, and tapped me on the head before standing up and walking to the door. Garret glared at him, and didn't immediately move when Taylor got to the door. They stood for a moment, both of them regarding each other. Garret was tall, but he was nowhere near as muscular as Taylor. Standing right next to him, I was stuck by the difference between the two. While both were obviously angry, Taylor seemed to hold himself with dignity in the face of that anger. He didn't back down. Finally, Garret stepped to the side and Taylor passed, giving me one quick look over his shoulder before Garret slammed the door behind him.

He walked angrily to the couch, not looking at me or Marie. He gathered up his laptop, snapping it shut.

"I'll be in my office. Dinner's on your own," he finished, and left.

I looked over at Marie, and then pulled the phone out of my pocket, looking at the time. I still had hours until the boys would get me.

"Do you want to make me dinner?" Marie asked.

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