Lyric Ruins Everything: Kate's Point of View

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(A/N- This chapter deals with sensitive topics. If you need to skip this chapter, I will be reviewing the action in subsequent chapters. Thanks so much for reading!~ Ripley) 

I hung up the phone much gentler than I thought possible. In my mind I was a wild, raging beast of a woman. I tore the phone off the wall and threw it through the sliding glass door. I used my hands to break a table in half, I panted as I ripped apart entire phone books.

But my hand was steady as I placed the handset in the cradle. I took deep breaths, steadying myself before I let my mind focus on what I'd learned.

Lyric was pregnant.

Garret had gone to her.

He had been arrested for breaking into her home.

He was going to jail.

I heard the woman on the phone. She enumerated each point calmly, and asked me what I would like to do.

Let him rot.

"I will post his bail. Can he leave the state?"

The woman assured me that he could not, at least not right away. Lyric had made accusations against him. She had said he raped her. The woman on the phone believed there was no proof. She said what proof there had been had disappeared.

So had he? Had he raped her?

I thought of Lyric, of her shyness and of her kindness to Marie. I thought about her blushing when those boys had picked her up at our house. I thought of the way she turned her body away from Garret when he would try to put a hand on her shoulder. I thought about finding him knocking at her bedroom door.

I rubbed at my back, the muscles tensed and released. I stretched from side to side. This pregnancy was doing me in. I shook my head. What in the world was I going to do? This baby needed his father. Marie needed her father.

Did I need their father?

I didn't.

I could get a job. Support us. Ask my parents for help.

A red haze descended over my vision as I thought about moving in with my parents. I would be damned if I let Garret do this to me. He may have messed up, but he was my husband.

That shyness? The kindness? That was all an act.

The woman on the phone had talked about her boyfriend. The one she had been with for years. She told me he'd become obsessed with Lyric. She said Lyric had stolen him from right under her nose and paraded their relationship in front of her. The poor woman had to work with Lyric. She had to watch Lyric grow big with another man's baby while the man she loved fawned all over her. Apparently, he'd been the one to find Garret with Lyric, and she'd had to keep him from getting arrested as well.

I felt another muscle spasm. This one starting in my back again, but then moving lower, gripping my hips and my belly. It made me curl over, rising onto my tip toes. I gripped the back of the kitchen chair. I felt a gush of liquid spill over my shoes.

My brain shut off.

It was much too early for the baby. Much much much too early for this to happen.

I shuffled to the phone and dialed 9-1-1. I tried to keep my voice calm, as I slid to the floor and told them what was happening. I tried not to scream as I felt the life inside me slip away.

She was right, I thought. That woman was right. Lyric ruins everything. 

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