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I had never been in love before and in my rare fantasies about love, I had never imagined loving three guys.

But I did.

I loved each one of them. It was as if my heart was an infinite space, stretching vastly in dimensions my mind couldn't fathom, and yet I knew I had managed to fill it with love.

A different sort of future stretched in front of me. I was fifteen, and maybe people would claim I couldn't know my own heart, but I did. It was twinkling with stars and joy and hope, with emotions I hadn't felt before meeting the boys. They had somehow gifted that to me.

"I love you," I told them, looking at each of them.

I took a deep breath, gathering my courage.

"I love you James," I said, staring at his eyes and leaning forward, pressing a light kiss to his lips before drawing back.

"I love you Taylor," I said, smiling and meeting his eyes. He had a wicked smile on his face and cupped the back of my neck, pulling me forward and kissing me.

I took a deep breath and looked at Kell, whose face was alight and who looked younger than I'd ever seen him look before. "I love you Kell," I told him, and leaned toward him. His eyes roamed my face and he smiled broadly. I stopped a millimeter from his lips, and he closed the gap, kissing me firmly while trailing his hand down my arm and making my skin break out in goosebumps.

"Do we really have to study?" I asked plaintively when I finally opened my eyes.

Kell husked a laugh, looking toward James who shook his head and smiled. "No," he said. "I don't think tonight is a night for studying."

I felt a sudden wave of nerves and excitement course through my body, and I closed my eyes and fisted my hands against an unfamiliar ache pulsing in me. A cool burst of air swept over me, and I shivered.

"Come here," James commanded, and I moved to him. He pulled me into his body so I faced the water and leaned back against his chest. I could feel his breath tickle my ear. Kell and Taylor turned their bodies toward the water as well, each reaching toward me in order to touch me. I interlaced my fingers with Taylor's. When James' knee got in the way of Kell's arm, he sighed dramatically, but James automatically adjusted his body to make room for him, and Kell turned sideways so he could rest his head on my thigh.

"Good idea man," Taylor said, and James moved his long leg so that Taylor could lie his head on my other thigh.

"Who knew a head weighed so much," I said, my fingers playing in the curls on Kell's forehead and brushing the wrong way against Taylor's stubble.

Taylor snorted and James leaned past me and punched him in the arm. "Don't be an ass," he scolded.

"We're trying to woo her," Kell added.

I giggled. James leaned his head into my neck, kissing me until he reached my ear. "Something funny?" he asked.

I shook my head. Taylor grabbed my hand, and kissed the palm noisily. "Spill, Crash."

I shook my head again, not wanting to embarrass Kell, but who said 'woo' anymore?

"I think I'm adequately wooed," I answered. "In fact, you can consider me 'won.'"

I felt Kell's head shake back and forth against my thigh. "No, Priya," he told me. "The wooing doesn't end with the winning."

"Can you please stop saying 'woo'?" Taylor begged suddenly, "or I am taking your man-card."

"Fine," Kell responded drily. "Court."

"No," James answered. "I would have let you say that a year ago..."

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now