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Despite James' polite demeanor, I could see that he was struggling with how to react to the boy from Humanities. Finally he settled on glaring, before adding, "Move."

The boy looked at him in confusion and James cracked his knuckles, his strong hands clenching and unclenching. 

"You're sitting in my seat," he said quietly, his voice low in anger. 

If he had used that voice with me, I would have run from the room in terror. It was just as effective as Kell's physical intimidation. 

"And you are also too close to Lyric." James kept his eyes on the boy and pointed to the other side of the classroom. "I suggest you move over there."

The boy stared in shock, before blinking and standing up slowly. He was nearly as tall as James, but stockier, more barrel-chested. "Fuck you," he said to him, "you fucking fairy."

I bit my lip, scared that he was going to throw a punch at James, who looked strong, but not as strong as the boy.

James took a step forward, before smiling wickedly. "Throw a punch, Keefe," he said quietly. "Please. Do it. You didn't want to play in this Friday's game anyway."

I watched the boy, Keefe, take a deep breath, and get himself under control. "Nah," he said, smiling widely and grandly. "You ain't big enough." Keefe moved past James, slamming a shoulder into his as he walked by, but James was like a rock, and it was Keefe who was knocked to the side.

"Piece of used-up pussy. Ain't worth the trouble," he said, as he tried to regain his balance, and looked directly at me.

"Keep it up," James said, but Keefe shook his head, and walked on, sitting in a desk across the room and glaring at me angrily. I had a feeling I had made an enemy. Somehow, I had gone from being invisible to being very visible. I couldn't be sorry, though, because I liked these boys. They made me feel like I was worth something.

James sat down at the desk next to mine and cracked his knuckles, closing his eyes, before opening them again and looking at me. "I'm sorry about that," he said. "Keefe and I go way back."

"That's okay," I said, disagreeing with him completely. "It was my fault."

"It most certainly was not your fault," he said to me passionately. "If nothing else, please believe that."

I pushed my lip to my teeth and bit down on it. James watched my mouth, and I felt myself blush, before suddenly giggling as I replayed the events in my head.

"What?" he asked me, smiling in response to my smile.

"He quoted The Very Grouchy Lady Bug," I said. "I've read it about a million times to one of my charges, but I never expected to hear it quoted in real life."

James laughed out loud. He had a great laugh. It came right from his chest and burst out of him, striking me as completely genuine. I found myself laughing at his laugh.

"All right, my darlings," a singsong voice got my attention as our teacher called us to order, "Put your books away, and pull out a pencil. It's time for our chapter test."

The room was filled with groans, but I had to bite my lip to stop my smile, not because of the test, but because I think I had made a friend. 

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now