There You Are

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I sat in the car, James held my hand. Kell had one hand on my shoulder and Taylor was gripping my neck.

This quiet cul-de-sac was where my baby had spent the last few months. She wasn't a baby, though. Her name was Sang and she was fifteen years old. And she was being protected by nine Academy guys. I smiled to myself before pushing my finger to my lips. Kell, Taylor, and James had narrowed eyes as they watched a mass of boys exit the house.

"There she is," I whispered.

I saw her, half a foot smaller than the boys who dwarfed her. She had blonde hair, similar to mine, but shinier and bouncier.

"She looks scared," I said worried.

I looked at the guys surrounding her. "They all look scared."

"They should be," Taylor snorted.

I looked back at him. This news was hard on all of us. She'd been hidden from us, and then we'd learned about her life...

I shut my eyes tight against the stories Owen Blackbourne had told me.

I wanted to hold her.

I took a deep breath and opened the car door. Green eyes met mine, and a small shy smile touched the lips that were hidden by a delicate finger.

"Sang?" I asked, stepping out of the car and closing the door lightly behind me.

She looked away from me and at the boys surrounding her. One of them, a tall boy with dark hair and a frown stepped next to her and wrapped an arm around her waist. I saw him lean down and whisper in her ear. I stopped, her entire body seemed to be throwing off warning signals, don't touch, don't touch.

I felt my eyes fill with tears as I recognized the reasons why she would feel that way. I dashed one away with the back of my hand, but stayed back.

Kell gripped my waist and I looked up at him gratefully.

"Hi," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "I've been looking for you for a really long time." 

Her mouth opened and shut, and then she said in a slightly husky and broken voice, "Hi."

"These are my husbands," I said, looking at the men who found me, saved me, loved me, and then saved me all over again. "They have been looking forward to seeing you as long as I have. And..." My voice broke and I swept my hands over my cheeks again.

Taylor gripped the back of my neck and James took my hand. "And they..." I stopped and started again, "...They love you as much as I do." 

Sang gave a tiny choked cry and then she stepped forward. The tall guy stepped forward with her, and I smiled at him, his frowning face reminding me so much of Kell when I first met him: moody boys.

She held out a trembling hand and I closed my eyes, stepping forward and reaching out mine. Our fingers touched and I squeezed her hand, not a handshake, but an embrace. It was as much as I could see she was possible of giving me.

"Hi," she said again. "I'm glad to meet you." 

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now