Fallen Angels

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Bethany's Point of View

Oh boy.

I watched Pacy and Ariel flip between camera angles as they watched two guys get out of the fancy car that had just driven up. The baseball bat felt solid in my arms, and I waited against the wall as Hero went to meet them. Jasmine was asleep in her room. She was dumber than a box of rocks and twice as useless.

There was a firm knock on the door, and I swung the bat to the ready position. I'd been one of five kids in my bio family, and we all played baseball. I knew how to aim and I knew how to swing through. If I needed to, I could knock the block off of these guys.

I heard a polite voice. "Hero? I'm James McInnish. This is Kell Garewal. You have our Lyric."

Something about the way he said our Lyric made me know he was one of the good guys. I had good instincts about this kind of stuff, so even if I didn't lower the bat, I knew that I probably wasn't going to be swinging for the nosebleeds any time soon.

"Do you have ID?" Hero asked.

I almost snorted. I saw her grab the identifications of both of them, before looking at me and Leandra. It was the sign to lower our weapons and we did, though I chose to rest my bat on my shoulder and not on the ground. Leandra used it like a cane, and I saw her lean against it. Her knee must be bothering her tonight.

"I can't let you see her alone," Hero said, stepping aside so they could come in.

Oh my god. As they stepped into the light, I could see just how good looking they were. The pictures I found on the internet had not done this guy justice. He looked like an angel. A really hot, ripped angel. Or maybe a fallen angel, because his face looked beyond sad.

The other one was more up my alley. He had longish, black curling hair and screamed bad boy. He was equally beautiful but different. He looked tough and despite the blank look on his face, his eyes gave away his pain.

And he was in pain.

They both were and it was in that moment that the girl upstairs became more than an idea, and a real person who had something horrible happen to her. Something that had rippled outward and upset not only her world, but the world of these guys as well.

"We'll stay with you in the room," Hero was saying. "I don't know how she's going to react, and we promised she'd be safe while she slept."

The dark one, the bad boy, cleared his throat, looking at James while he spoke. "That's perfectly acceptable. But if she asks you to leave, I would like you to respect that."

Hero nodded and I attempted not to roll my eyes and swoon at his formality. He had an accent. If he wasn't so clearly taken, I had a feeling I would be throwing myself at his feet. Just as the thought passed through my mind, it followed up with a hmm. I was getting the protective boyfriend vibe from both of these guys.

Whatever, I decided a moment later. Not my business.

I looked at Hero, asking her silently, are you good? She nodded, and I saw Kell and James exchange a look.

"Let me know if you need anything," I told them aloud, before turning around to go into the kitchen. I knew I had some damn Pringles hidden somewhere. I had a feeling I was going to need them.

Lyric's Point of View

I stood at Chimney Pond, looking up at the rocky slopes of Mt. Katahdin. It was snowing and my fingers were numb, so I pulled them to my mouth and blew on them. When I looked up, the slopes were covered in snow and the only thing visible was the blue sky. I heard a slam and a rumble and then the snow was barreling toward me. I threw up my hands to protect my face but the snow covered me. I was buried beneath it; it pressed down on me, holding me still. I tried to move my arms, to dig or claw my way out, but they were pinned. I opened my mouth to scream, but there was no sound just the echo through my mind.

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