The Thing about Being A Teenager

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(A/N: Hi! There will be a delay between this and the next Lyric update. I am attempting to write an original story for National Novel Writing Month, and I am not quite sure if I will be able to update as frequently. Thank you so much for reading and commenting~ Ripley). 

One thing about being pregnant and being a teenager...

No. I took back that thought. There were a lot of things about being pregnant and a teenager. There was my life being in upheaval. There was trying to finish high school online. There was the realization that I had absolutely zero idea about how to be a good mother.

But there was also my total devotion to this tiny being developing inside me, and my complete faith that whatever happened, I would make sure she knew how much she was loved. I smiled thinking about my baby.

I woke up one morning about eight weeks after finding out I was having the baby, and I just knew: girl. Kell and I had gone to the galleria and I was browsing through baby clothes, swooning over each tiny shirt or pair of socks. Kell was getting a pair of jeans at the attached guy section of the store after I had chosen a pair of stretchy maternity pants that I tossed over my shoulder. I was flipping through baby clothes when I heard a loud sigh next to me. When I looked up, I saw an older woman, definitely not pregnant, but probably a grandma or something because she had an armful of baby clothes as well. She looked at the pants and she looked at the onesie in my hands and she sighed.

This was the thing about being a teenager and pregnant.

The constant judgement.

I had taken to wearing baggy clothes, but I couldn't even button my jeans and I didn't want to live in James' sweatpants. The woman's eyes traveled along my body, settling on my stomach.

"There's more to babies than just cute clothes."

This was the first time someone had said something. I had heard the sighs and the giggles, I had caught the shared glances between people, but no one had ever opened their mouth to chastise me before. I opened my mouth to respond, but what was I supposed to say to that?

"I know."

"No, my dear," was the sigh. "I don't think you do. If you did, you wouldn't be in this position in the first place."

She stepped closer to me so I could see how her lipstick had bled into the lines on her lips. "Do the world a favor, and give that baby to someone who deserves it. Someone who makes good choices and can provide for it. Don't make me, and all the other taxpayers, take care of it for you."

I felt tears spring to my eyes and I angrily wiped them away. I did not want to cry. I was not going to cry. Stupid pregnancy hormones.

"You don't know anything about me," I was finally able to get out.

"It's probably not even your first," she huffed.


The woman glanced at Kell and shook her head. "Of course," she muttered.

Kell's eyes widened before he stepped between us.

"Let's go Priya," he said, taking the onesie from my hand and walking to the register.

"I don't want it," I whispered. I would look at this onesie for the rest of my life and all I would see would be that horrible woman and her cruelty and the way she had made the first time I'd picked out baby clothes a nightmare.

I wanted a do-over.

Kell dropped the onesie on a pile of sweaters and gave the clothes to the person at the register. He kept one arm around me tightly while he slid his card through the reader with the other. I could feel the tension in his body, and I could tell by the way the muscle was ticking in his cheek that he was having a hard time keeping his mouth shut.

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