Ten years later- Taylor's Point of View

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I rubbed my hand down my face, watching the new recruits examine each piece of material in their supply box and then discuss how best to use it to help them make it over the ten foot wall. It was a team building exercise, but it was also an opportunity to identify potential Academy leaders.

One boy, he couldn't have been more than ten or eleven,  small and lanky, with black rimmed glasses and bright green eyes, listened quietly to his team. He summarize their ideas, made suggestions, and then gave each person a task.

I was impressed. He was part of a fairly large group of boys, but he didn't yell over them. He met each of their eyes, letting them know without words that he was listening to them. They were as focused on him as he was on them.

"Five minutes!" I called out, watching to see if the time crunch would make them focus or freak out.

One team ignored their supplies completely and began building a human pyramid. There was always one group that did that. The girl at the top gripped the top board, screamed, and fell backward.

Yeah, I'd greased it.

There was a supply box for a reason.

Recon people. Recon is important.

One of the other girls looked up, and moved, breaking her fall. Even this team had potential, I just had to figure it out what it was.

"How's it looking, Teach?" I looked down at the bright blue-eyed gaze of one of our returning students.

"Fine," I drawled, my eyes skipping from group to group.

"Any stand-outs?" he asked.

I tilted my chin toward the boy with glasses.

"Oh yeah," Sean rubbed his hands together. "I'll have to tell Owen."

"Reckon I already did," I told him. Little punk.

"Mind if I...?" he asked, gesturing toward the boys.

"Nope," I said, covering my mouth with my hand to hide my smile.

I was hoping he'd ask to join them. The boys looked up at the older student, their eyes widening with excitement. I saw Sean kneel next to them, and they began to excitedly tell him their plan. Sean nodded, and stepped back, watching them put their plan into action.

They didn't ignore the supplies in the box.

It took them less time to build than to discuss, and they were up and over the wall in a matter of seconds.

"Well done!" I called out. "Now, y'all can take a page from Mr. Lee's notebook. Listen to your teammates! Y'all are equal. No one member carries more responsibility than another!"

I ran my hands through my hair, thinking about my own team, and had to take a breath and clear my throat. "Okay. Next obstacle. Move it!"

The teams jumped into action, running to the next obstacle, while I waited for the next group to show up at my station.

"How are you doing, Taylor?" I looked over and saw Dr. Roberts.

I gave him a smile. "Fine," I answered, more genuinely than I had Sean.

"How's your team?" he asked. "I haven't seen you for a while. Not since you all moved south."

My eyes narrowed and I felt a lump in my throat.

My team.

"We're doin' alright, Doc," I said honestly. "Some days are harder than others, but..." I shrugged and scraped a hand across my face again.

He clapped me on my shoulder. "You're doing a good thing here, Taylor. You and your team. The Academy needed you, and we needed your forgiveness. We're human. We make mistakes." 

But what a mistake.

"I know Doc," I answered quietly, glad to hear the chatter of incoming recruits. "Now if you'll excuse me?"

He nodded at me, walking away to the next station.

"Welcome!" I called out when the teams had assembled. "I am your Instructor for this portion of the course..." 


A/N- Thank you everyone, for reading. Please comment and let me know if you are enjoying the story. 

I so appreciate it! 

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