Taylor's Secret

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I could hear arguing. 

"I am her family. Her only family."

"Garret. You're being unreasonable."

"Stay out of it. I make the decisions when it comes to her."

I shifted uncomfortably on the bed, trying to move my head in the direction of the voices but I couldn't. I reached up my hands and felt a stiff collar around my neck.

My eyes flew open as memories of the locker room hit me.

"Kell!" I called out.

I heard footsteps and felt the bed settle before Garret's concerned eyes met mine. He held my hand while he pushed my hair away from my face. I tried to look around him, but with the collar on, my range of motion was severely limited. I felt stuck, tied down, and a rising panic began to grow in my chest. It felt like the collar was stopping me from taking a deep breath and I started to pant.

"You're okay, Lyric," Garret said softly, seeing my discomfort. "You have some stitches and a concussion, but you're going to be fine."

I saw movement behind him. Kate was hovering, watching Garret with a look that was part confusion and part anger.

"Where's Kell?" I asked, trying to see around him. "And Taylor and James?"

Garret's eyes narrowed. "They're in the waiting room," he said, his hand still lightly touching my head.

"That hurts," I told him softly, wanting him to move his hands.

He didn't take it away completely, instead moving it to my arm. "We're just waiting for the doctor to discharge you and then we can go home."

"Can I see the guys please?" I asked again, not afraid to beg.

"Lyric," Garret sighed and shook his head. He seemed frustrated and put-out with me, but I didn't care. I needed them. I could feel myself growing lightheaded as I continued to take short breaths that did nothing to relieve my tension.

"I'll get them," Kate interrupted. "Garret needs to go to the office and Marie is with the guys. Or the princes. I think that's what she called them."

"Kate!" Garret chided her.

"Jesus, Garret," Kate answered throwing her hands up to the ceiling. "Enough!"

She walked to the door and stopped, her hand gripping the entryway for a moment, before continuing out of the room.

"They're not good for you, Lyric," Garret said squeezing my arm. "I was a teenage boy once. I know how they think."

I didn't answer, but watched the door, waiting for them. I pretended Garret was far away, that he wasn't touching me.

I saw a dark head.

"Kell!" I called out, and felt along my neck for the velcro straps keeping the collar on. I needed to move my head to see Kell. I ripped at them until I could pull it off and drop it on the bed.

His dark head moved through the door before all of him appeared at my feet.

"Hello Priya," Kell said, his voice giving me the ability to breath. "Or should I say Crash?"

I giggled and then groaned when it made my head bounce. "Ouch," I said under my breath.

Kell's face was immediately serious. "You have a concussion."

"I know," I answered, reaching for his hand.

"You're supposed to leave the collar on," he said, scolding me but smiling at the same time.

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now