Summer Time In the South

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It was hot.

I thought that I'd love this time of year. It was spring in March. March! I had never seen flowers blooming in March before. I'd spent so much time in Maine being cold, that I watched the numbers climb gleefully. Then March turned into April, and before I knew it, I was smack-dab in the middle of August.

August in the south was hot, and it was humid.

I think it was the humidity that was killing me. It was like running into a wall of wet air when I left the house in the morning. I was getting bigger, and I was uncomfortable, and it was making me cranky.

"Why don't you turn on the central air conditioning?" Kell asked, looking decidedly cool as he sat in the kitchen sipping coffee.

I glared at him. "I opened the window."

"You're just letting in the warm air," Taylor said. "You need to turn on the a/c."

I shook my head. "Central a/c is for wimps. I'll be fine."

I shifted on the kitchen chair where I sat. I slid back and forth, and winced in discomfort. I was sweating down my back and it was pooling in my underwear.

"Lyric," Taylor said. "We all know you appreciate the heat. We know that Maine is cold and that you love the warm weather, but you're uncomfortable. Turn on the air for goodness sake."

I stood up and flared my sundress around my legs, trying to shoot a breeze up it. I saw Taylor's eyes zoom in on my legs.

I walked over to him and gave him a small kiss. "Not gonna happen." I smiled.

I heard the front door open and close, and James walked in. "Ugh!" he said, loosening the tie he was wearing and throwing his suit coat over a chair. "It was more comfortable in my car! Why isn't the a/c on?"

I looked at Taylor, warning him with my eyes not to say a word.

It was Kell who answered, "We don't need air conditioning, because apparently we are all comfortable with the 90% humidity."

"Well, I'm not!" James said. He walked over to the kitchen window, slamming it shut and then over to the sliding glass door and closing it. He cranked up the thermostat and a blast of cool air hit my back.

I groaned and closed my eyes, letting the air wash over me. "Is there steam coming off my skin?" I joked, feeling so much more relaxed.

I felt a hand cup my face and I opened my eyes to smile at James. He smiled back at me, smugly.

"They texted you, didn't they?" I asked, and James nodded, leaning forward to press a kiss to my mouth.

I felt his tongue trace my lips and I opened them, giving his lower lip a nibble.

"I should have listened," I answered, whispering against his mouth.

James nodded and surprised me by picking me up in his arms, and kissing me.

"Since I've saved the day," he said. "I think I should get a reward."

I felt my face heat and I squeezed my legs together. "Okay," I whispered.

I heard Taylor and Kell groan. "We've got to go to boot camp," Taylor said. "I told you we should have just turned it on."

I heard a rustle and then Kell was kissing me while James snuggled me closer. "I'll see you later," he said, the heat in his eyes hinting at what he had planned.

I kissed him back and then Taylor was dropping a kiss on my forehead. "I'm meeting with Constance and Dr. Roberts, and then I'll be home."

He kissed me again on my lips and gave James a wink. "See you later."

James had already started walking up the stairs, I waved to them over his shoulder.

James walked us into the bedroom where the curtains were drawn against the bright sun. He placed me on the bed before turning up the air conditioning. The switch from being over-heated to slightly chilly had me shivering.

His eyes darkened as he took in my form. He started unbuttoning his shirt slowly, dropping it on the floor and then undoing his belt. I pulled my sundress over my head. He knelt in front of me, grasping my underwear and pulling it down my legs. He kissed my knees and then gently spread my legs apart.

He pressed a kiss inside my knee and my head fell back. James chuckled and I felt his hands on my hips. He grasped me quickly, pulling my hips forward and giving me a little shove that made me land on my back.

He placed cool kisses along my belly, following the line that had formed as the baby grew, down to my mound. I kept my eyes closed, enjoying the cold air rushing across my body. I felt his long finger push inside me and I rocked my hips, moaning at the contact.

He withdrew his fingers slowly before pushing them back inside, and then his mouth was on me. He licked from his fingers to the bundle of nerves. He traced around and around before latching his mouth onto me and sucking, hard.

I cried out, and immediately came.

I heard him chuckle, the vibrations from his voice making me convulse. He curled his fingers inside me, and I shot off again.

"James!" I cried out. "Oh my god!"

He shifted, crawling up onto the bed, knees on either side of me. He withdrew his fingers, and gripped his erection, lining it up with my body and pushing it inside me. His body curled around mine protectively as he slide inside me. He withdrew slowly, so I could feel each inch of him, and then thrust inside. He was so gentle, but I wanted harder. I rolled my hips toward him with a snap.

"Lyric," he groaned.

"Please," I begged, and bit gently on his ear lobe.

He knew what I wanted. He stood up, one knee braced on the bed, the other on the floor. He lifted my leg to the side and began to pump inside me. I could feel a tingling in my feet and fingertips, static electricity flowing into the center of my body until I lit up. I cried out and I heard James answer. His thrusts became less even, more frantic, and then he was exploding inside me.

He slowly stopped thrusting, before withdrawing and falling onto the bed next to me. His fingers traced my cheekbones and down my jaw. I stared at him, hoping he could see how much I loved him.

"I do," he whispered, making me realize I'd spoken out loud. "I do."

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