What's Next

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"Are you ready to talk to Constance again?" James asked. "She'll fill you in on all the details."

I didn't want them to leave again, but I nodded my head anyway. "Sure."

Constance came into the room a moment later. She smiled at me reassuringly, but looked at the boys as if for permission to speak. I saw Taylor nod out of the corner of my eye before she started talking.  "Ready for the rundown?" she asked.

"I think so," I replied, not letting go of the boys.

I saw that she carried a large binder in her arms and she dropped it on the table with a thunk. 

"Okay," she said, turning it so I could see. "The first thing we need to do, before we can start classes or training, or anything like that, is get permission from your mother to enroll."

Well that will put a screeching halt to everything, I thought.

"She will never agree," I said, not sure if I was sad or relieved.

Constance made a sound like she neither agreed nor disagreed. "The Academy works a little bit differently than normal schools. Because our curriculum is so broad, we require that you pretty much live and breathe Academy life. In order to do that, we need to get rid of outside distractions. In the first year, students don't have non-Academy jobs or play on non-Academy teams. It is easier for them to stay with their teams, much like these guys stay all together in James' house. Or students will stay with an Academy foster family. In order to do that, we have biological parents sign over temporary custody to their foster family. We have a number of bird/dog teams who take on that role. Though sometimes we have bird/bird teams for female students."

I tried to follow her. "Bird what teams?"

"Bird/Dog. They are teams made up of a man and a woman, usually a married couple, sometimes siblings, like Vaughn and Vivi, though they are part of a larger sibling team, and a bird/bird team is made up of two women."

"So I would live with a couple I didn't know?" I asked, my finger hovering over my lip. I didn't want to live with someone I didn't know, especially not a strange adult man.

"For a while," Constance answered, her eyes smiling at me. "I have actually offered to take you once the Academy gets your mother to waive her rights, and until you find a team that fits you."

"We want you on our team," James interjected.

I couldn't stop the smile spreading across my face. "You do?" I squeaked.

"Obviously," Kell replied. "You're part of our family now."

I saw Constance frown slightly and pin James with a warning look. "You can choose your team, Lyric," she explained, finally looking away from James. "But you need to understand one bird with three dogs just doesn't happen. We don't have teams made up of more than one male and a female. The Academy will help you find your best match."

"We're her best match," Taylor argued, his hand tightening on mine.

"Tay," Constance said gently. "We're not trying to steal her away from you."

I looked around at the boys, noting their tension.

"We will do what is in Lyric's best interest, just like we did what was in your best interest," she tried to reassure them.

"I want to stay with them," I added. "I don't want to be with anyone else."

Constance sighed. "Lyric..." she started.

"Please," I interrupted. "They are my family now."

I don't know where I was getting my courage from, but hearing the boys say they wanted me as part of their team filled me with something I couldn't name. They wanted me. Me! When they could have anyone.

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now