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Kell and James held my hand while Taylor wiped my brow.

"Ms. Sorenson," the doctor said. "She is just not wanting to turn around. We're going to wheel you into surgery for a c-section."

I felt another contraction and I groaned, writhing on the bed, trying to escape the pain.

I panted, nodding. "Just take care of her."

"She's going to be fine," the doctor assured me, standing up and nodding to the nurses.

Things happened quickly after that. They prepped me, gave me a dose of medicine that made me numb from my chest to my toes, and wheeled me into a cold, sterile surgery. The guys crowded around my head whispering to me about how excited they were. They kissed my face, and held my hands while I shivered and my teeth chattered.

I felt a pull, and a wave of nausea, and then I heard crying. The guys stood, looking over the curtain that separated my upper and lower half.

They started talking immediately, their words tripping over each other, "She's beautiful! Lyric! I love you so much, baby."

They showered me with kisses and then there she was. She was tiny, her little face scrunched up delightfully. They'd wrapped her loosely in a blanket and she was still covered in blood, but she was mine and she was beautiful.

"Hi baby," I whispered, my eyes filling with tears as I looked at her perfect face.

I leaned forward and whoever was holding her brought her closer. I kissed her lips, her nose, her cheeks.

"I love you so much," I said, and started to cry.

She started to cry and I laughed out-loud.

"Okay, Mom," one of the nurses said. "Let's get her cleaned up and we'll give her right back."

"Stay with her?" I said, looking at the guys.

I saw them look at each other, and James and Kell went to her while Taylor stayed with me. He swept my hair out of my face and kissed wherever he could reach.

"She's perfect. Oh my god, Crash. She's perfect."


I stared at the baby in the clear plastic bassinet next to me. I couldn't believe she was real. That she was really here. I reached over and touched her face with my finger.

"Priya," Kell called, from the chair where he was dozing off.

I smiled over at him. James and Taylor were sharing the twin bed in the room I'd been assigned and were sleeping soundly. Kell stood and came over to me. He wrapped his hand around my neck and drew my head into his chest.

"I love her so much, Kell," I whispered, feeling a flood of emotion.

"I know," he answered. "It's crazy, isn't it?"

I nodded.

He walked around the bed and picked her up. She didn't even blink.

"She's a baby burrito," I heard a gruff voice say from the bed.

I looked over at Taylor and smiled.

James nudged him with his elbow but he was smiling. "I got the nurse to show me how to swaddle her. That's my burrito roll."

I laughed at them before wincing at the pull in my stomach. The medicine was starting to wear off and I felt like someone had punched me in the stomach, repeatedly.

"I can't wait to get her home," James said. "I'm so glad we got that co-sleeper."

Taylor nodded. "Our own bed."

He groaned as he turned over and stood up. He sat on the edge of the bed for a moment, stretching his arms from side to side before running his hands through his hair.

He walked over to Kell and held out his arms. "My turn."

"I just got her."

He made a "gimme" sign with his hands and Kell gently transferred the baby to Taylor.

"Hey, Baby Girl," Taylor said softly. "I'm your Daddy."

I swallowed hard, watching him start to sway back and forth. He began to hum under his breath, something I'd never heard him do before. Kell winked at me before settling back into his chair. I kept my eyes open as long as I could, but his humming eventually lulled me to sleep, too. 

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now