Sick Days

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I had a lovely, lazy, stay-home day, and woke up the next morning to be informed I would have yet another lovely, lazy day.

I did homework at the kitchen table, and when my head started to pound, James brought me tea and ibuprofen. I looked up at him in surprise.

"You're rubbing your temples," he told me, "and you've been staring at that problem for two minutes."

I blew across the top of the tea before tossing the pills in my mouth and taking a sip.

"Thank you," I said after I swallowed.

He smiled at me and gently pushed my hair from my face. He sat down next to me at the table, and turned my notebook toward him.

"How's it going?" he asked, looking over my problems.

"Fine," I answered.

"You know," he said thoughtfully. "The Academy will help you find a profession that interests you, so you can gear your course of study to match that profession." He turned the notebook around and pointed with one elegant finger to a problem I needed to fix.

I bit on the eraser of my pencil and stared at it, trying to find where I'd made a mistake before erasing it and starting over.

"Something with math or science, I think," I answered, "maybe engineering? I don't know. I honestly hadn't thought beyond staying in high school."

I tapped my pencil on my notebook, a sudden rush of excitement coursing through me as a future of potential jobs played through my mind. "Maybe nursing? I would have a job if I was a nurse. They always need nurses, right?"

James smiled.

"They do. But, Lyric," James said, "we want you to do whatever you're interested in, regardless of whether you could find a job or not."

I smiled, looking around James' house. Had he ever worried about money or supporting himself?

"Where are your parents?" I blurted out, and watched James' face pale, his lips tighten and that tell-tale muscle begin ticking in his jaw. I realized just how tactless I was and covered my mouth with my hand. "I'm sorry," I said, backtracking. "You don't have to tell me. That was so rude."

I stood up and started gathering my books, mortified I'd been so blunt.

"Lyric," James placed his hand on my arm. "It's okay."

I nodded, and he sighed, looking down at the ground. His brown hair fell forward onto his forehead and I reached up, pushing it away from his face. His eyes met mine and softened. He wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me forward, holding me lightly by the waist before dipping his head and pressing his lips to mine.

He teased my lips, pressing a kiss to my lower lip, and then lightly tracing it with his tongue. I reached up one hand, cupping his jaw, and opening my mouth. His tongue dipped inside, and then he lifted me up and deposited me on the table before his hands moved to my knees and pulled them apart, making room for his body to press against mine.

I could feel him, hard and long against my center and I arched, trying to get closer and ease some of the ache I could feel building between my legs.

"Jamie," I breathed as he tore his mouth from mine and began kissing my neck. I turned my head, giving him more skin to kiss. I felt his teeth lightly graze the cord in my neck and I moaned.

"Lyric," he said, one hand tunneling into my hair and holding the back of my head gently, aware of the still-healing wound on my head, while the other pressed at my lower back keeping me in contact with his body.

I pulled my head back slowly, looking up to meet his eyes. The beautiful golden-brown was just a ring around the huge pupil.

"I want you so much," he told me, and gently flexed his hips.

My head felt heavy and my eyes closed. I wanted that, too.

"Jamie," I whispered and his mouth covered mine again.

"Oh shit! Sorry!" I heard a female's voice say.

I made a move to jerk my head back, but James gave me a small warning squeeze on my neck and pressed one more kiss to my lips before pulling back.

I looked over his shoulder, face flaming, and saw Constance watching us with an amused glance.

"I did ring the doorbell," she apologized, her eyes narrowed but a small blush appearing on her face as well.

I looked back at James, who seemed to be waiting for me to meet his eyes and gave me a rueful glance.

"Your timing is impeccable," James said. "Lyric was just asking me about my parents, do you have some news about them?" 

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