She Didn't Really Think it Through...

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I fell asleep hard and fast and there might have been a crust of pizza clenched in my hand; that was what Taylor said later the next day, but I didn't believe him.

I wondered what had happened to change me so quickly from a girl with nothing, to a girl with everything. Three everythings as a matter of fact.

I woke up pillowed on James' chest, with Kell spooned to my back. When I picked my head up, I could see Taylor asleep next to James, an arm thrown over his eyes.

So this was how we slept.

I laid my head back on James' chest. I felt a small prickle of unease about the wrongness of sleeping with three guys at once, but then I dismissed it. They had designed this room for us, they found a bed big enough to fit all of us. It must be fine with them.

My dream from the night before had opened my eyes to what it meant to be with three guys. I shifted my legs as heat pooled low and heavy in my belly.

"Stop wiggling," James whispered, kissing my forehead and squeezing me tightly.

"Give her here," I heard Taylor say, and then James was rolling me up and over his body into Taylor's waiting arms.

"Got the jimmy legs?" he asked me, kissing my lips gently and making me sigh in contentment.

I nodded and he turned onto his side so my face was pressed against his chest. I kissed him gently and he kissed the top of my head in return. He began to stroke his hand up and down my arm, and I focused on that sensation until it put me back to sleep.

The boys let me sleep in the next morning, and I must have slept hard because I didn't hear them move or feel the bed shift when they got out. When I did finally join them in the kitchen, it was nearly time for lunch.

"I don't think I've ever slept that long," I said, stretching and taking the iced coffee drink from Kell's outstretched hand.

I opened the top and gave the drink a tentative sniff. "What's this?" I asked.

"Frappucino," he said. "They're a girly drink that Taylor likes."

Taylor was talking on the phone, and he flipped Kell the bird before returning to his conversation.

I looked questioningly in his direction. "Constance," Kell answered.

"Look at us," I said smugly. "Conversations without words..."

"Hey Beautiful," James said, coming up behind me and kissing me on the cheek. "Let's check out those stitches." 
He parted my hair carefully and examined my head. "You've got a lump, but I didn't realize you'd only needed three stitches. That was a lot of blood for such a tiny cut."

Kell's face got serious quickly, and he pulled a chair from the table, nodding at me and looking at the chair commandingly.

I held out against the urge to roll my eyes at him, and sat down

"So what happened yesterday?" Kell asked me seriously as James put a few slices of crusty bread in front of me along with butter and a small glass jar of preserves.

I reached out for a slice of bread and pulled off a chunk nervously.

"I think one of the baskets stored on top of the lockers fell off when we bumped into it, and hit me on the back of the head," I answered.

"When you say, 'we,'" Kell asked suspiciously. "You mean you and the girl?"

"Riley," James interjected.

I took a bite of the bread and chewed slowly, nodding.

"Did she attack you, Lyric?" Kell asked.

I took a gulp from my drink and set it down nervously. "No," I said slowly. "I believe she meant to, but I kind of... made it clear...that it wouldn't end well for her."

Kell watched me disbelievingly before bursting out in laughter. "What?" he asked, trying to stop laughing.

"I just..." I felt a smile growing on my lips. "I let her know that I came from the wrong side of the tracks and that I had no problem with an ugly fight. I don't think she realized how messy they can get."

Kell sat back in his chair, covering his mouth with his hand with shaking his head. "So you...?" 

"Told her how clothes get ripped and hair gets torn, and that everyone would see us," I burst out.

James sat next to me, and leaned forward. "Genius," he said. "How'd you know that would work?"

"She's perfect," I answered quietly. "Her makeup, and clothes, and hair. Even when I see her in gym class, she's perfect. Perfect pony tail, perfect sneakers. That girl's never been a mess in her life. I, on the other hand, have been a mess for as long as I can remember." 

James' lips got tight and he bit the inside of his cheek. "You're not a mess, Lyric."

"It's okay," I answered quickly, not wanting them to think I was looking for sympathy. "I'm just saying, I've walked around covered in salad dressing before, a naked locker room fight with another girl actually gave me an advantage."

Kell spit his coffee all over the table, spraying the bread and my arm, and coughing crazily.

James laughed and turned around to pound him on the back.

"Riley was the one who told us you'd been hurt," he said turning around to look at me.

"I think I scared her," I answered thoughtfully. "I really don't think she thought it out, actually hurting someone, I mean."

Kell stood up, gathering up the mess and throwing it into the garbage before coming back and wiping up the table.

"I don't think she'll try anything like that again," I said, "but I don't think we'll end up friends."

James shook his head. "Probably not," he replied, "but we only have a few more weeks until you officially join the Academy."

"Less," Taylor said, hanging up the phone and kissing my head before scooping me up and sitting me on his lap as he sat in my chair.

James raised a questioning eyebrow. "What did Constance say?"

"She got a call from Kate Sorenson," Taylor answered, watching me carefully. "She and Garret have decided that it was a hasty decision to take over your guardianship. Constance has assured them you'll be better off at the Academy, and they'll send you as soon as a space opens."

"Any estimates?" James interrupted.

Taylor smiled. "Could be anytime," he answered. "They'll sign over guardianship and then we'll be good to go as soon as it's processed by the court."

"How?" I asked, confused.

The smile left Taylor's face. "The hospital," he answered, not quite meeting my eyes. "Kate sensed something was going on. She..." He shook his head, raising one corner of his mouth wryly. "Doesn't matter..."

I wanted to push him, to see what changed, and though I suspected Kate recognized that Garret's feeling toward me weren't normal, I also sensed there was something more to the story.

"It doesn't matter, Lyric," Taylor answered, holding my gaze and squeezing me a little tighter. "All that matters is that you'll be with us soon, and we won't have to worry about anyone taking you away again." 

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