Taylor Kicks Ass

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I threw my pencil across the room and buried in face in my hands, peeking through my fingers to stare at the screen.

The boys had moved most of our stuff, and they were setting up the new house. I was supposed to stay here, finish my finals online and wait for them to pick me up.

I had turned on my computer, and while waiting for it to load, got hungry. Three breakfast sandwiches later, I still hadn't done my final, but I was in a food coma and had fallen asleep, my head on the table, in a beam of sunshine.

I had awakened when my phone had chirped next to me, a text message from Taylor.

Hey Crash, how'd you do?

Me: On what? 

Taylor: Calculus

Me: Not finished

Taylor: Are you ok? You started an hr ago.

Me: Fine- just got hungry.

Taylor: :) We'll be home soon.

Me: Ok, love you.

Taylor: Love you too

I felt a building anxiety; I needed to finish this test. If I passed, it would be the last three credits I needed, and I'd officially be graduated from high school. My baby would have a mommy who, though still a teenager, would have a high school diploma. With that in mind, I started my test. I kept moving forward, even though I felt like I was getting every problem wrong. It was a timed test, and the stupid little clock in the right hand corner kept counting down. How did they expect people to complete tests like this when it looked like a bomb was about to explode?

I did not work well under pressure, and pretty soon, I had to pee, and I didn't have time to pee, so I just kept finishing problems.

I was standing up by the time I finished; crossing my legs and wiggling from side to side while clicking the, "save and submit my test," button.

I didn't even wait to see my score after I pushed the button, I just ran to the bathroom.

The score blinking at me when I got back made me sit down hard in my chair, throw my pencil, and start to cry. It was stupid. It wasn't even a bad score. It was an 86, but it was the lowest score I'd ever gotten on a test, a solid "B." My cell phone rang, and I knew, if I didn't answer it, the guys would be worried.

"Hello," I said after taking a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" Kell's worried voice came through the line. I could see his face, eyebrows drawn together, a downturned mouth.

I heard the guys immediately begin chattering in the background.


"We're on our way!" I heard Taylor yell and then a door slam. He didn't even wait, he just left.

I started to laugh.


"I'm sorry," I choked out. "I got an 86 on my test and I'm mad."

"You're crying because you got an 86 on your test?" 
Hearing it out-loud made me start crying again.

"Baby," Kell breathed. "It's okay. You passed. You got a good grade. You're going to graduate!"

I nodded my head and grabbed a napkin, wiping my face.

"I know, but I wanted to get a good grade. I fell asleep, and then I had to pee, and the stupid clock was just running down the time, freaking me out!"

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