Waking up with Taylor

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Taylor woke me up when it was still dark outside.

I slowly became aware of him stroking my arm. He started at the top of my shoulder and ran the back of his hand down to my hand, then went back up my hand to my shoulder, to tuck my hair away and kiss my neck.

"Crash," he whispered in my ear. "I have to go."

I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. His body was giving off more heat than a fireplace.

"No," I said grumpily, nuzzling his chest like a kitten.

He husked a laugh and pulled me into his body, throwing a leg around mine until he was a Taylor-blanket.

"It's almost six," he said. "Garret gets up soon, and it wouldn't be good if he found us."

My eyes opened; the happy lethargy leaving me. "Okay," I said, putting my hands on his warm chest and pushing away.

He tightened his arms so I couldn't move, and rolled us until he was on top of me. I gasped when I felt another part of his body press into me. I looked up quickly into his face, but he was a sort of white blob in the darkness. I lifted my hands to cup his face. He was scratchy, and my fingertips could poke his dimples.

So that's what I did.

I put both my fingers in his dimples and poked him.

"Crash," he laughed. His entire body shaking, pressing into me in ways that made me shudder and gasp and arch.

"Crash," he said again, his amorphous face moving closer to mine.

I lifted my head to kiss him and felt a shock of electricity, like I had scuffed my feet back and forth along the carpet and touched the doorknob."Ouch!" I hissed.

"Shit!" Taylor whispered, rolling until he fell off the end of the bed and hit the floor.

I heard the doorknob shake, and then click, and the door creaked open. "Lyric?" Garret asked, switching on the overhead light.

"Yes?" I replied, squinting and pulling the covers to my chin before sitting up and trying not to look around the room suspiciously.

"Time to get up," he said, his eyes roaming around the room before settling on me.

"Okay," I answered, "but I have an alarm, so you won't need to wake me up again."

"Oh," he said, smiling. "I don't mind. I like to see your smiling face right off."

"Garret?" Kate asked, poking her head into the room. She looked a little confused, but covered it, "What are you doing in here? Nevermind... Lyric, Garret can bring you to school, but you need to leave in thirty. Bathroom's yours."

"Thanks," I said. This was a lot of conversation for just waking up. "But the boys will pick me up."

Garret's eyes narrowed and Kate gave him a strange look. "That's great, Lyric," she said, watching Garret closely before shaking her head. "Really helpful actually," she added before asking. "What about after school?"

"The boys can bring me home and I can watch Marie until they pick me up for our study group," I answered.

"Is it wrong that I'm already looking forward to my nap?" she asked joking.

I noticed Garret staring at me, as if willing me to say something, but I had no idea what he wanted me to say. If he expected me to argue, he was crazy. I wanted every spare minute I could get with the guys.

"They'll be here soon," I said. "So I should probably get dressed."

"Of course," Kate nodded, and grabbed Garret's elbow, pulling him out of the room.

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now