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We drove straight to James' house, and I could hear the boys' stomachs grumbling the whole way.

"I'm making lunch," I announced as James pulled into the driveway. "Go relax."

"I'll come with you," Taylor argued, following me inside. "Make sure you don't wound yourself or something."

He gave me a smile that didn't touch his eyes and I realized that he needed to be close to me. I had done a complete turn around from being sure that the boys couldn't get rid of me fast enough, to thinking that they wanted to help me cook, just so they could keep me in their sight.

"Good," I said thinking quickly. "Maybe you could grill chicken for me?"

"Sure," he said, looking relieved.

I dug in the fridge for chicken and wasn't surprised when I turned around to see the other guys sitting at the island as well.

I passed a tomato to Kell and an avocado to James. "Here," I directed. "Peel. Slice."

I started boiling water for rice and warming the oven for the tortillas.

Soon everything was diced and chopped and Taylor was carrying a plate of grilled chicken inside. I chopped up the chicken and brought all the ingredients to the table.

"Help yourself, guys," I said, and started passing out tortillas.

I added chicken and all the veggies I could find to mine, then poured on salsa and rolled it up.

"No rice?" Taylor asked with a mouth full of food.

I shook my head, and took a bite. Most of the vegetables fell out the back, so I ended up with a salsa tortilla, but I didn't care. I just scooped it up, and shoved it back inside, licking my fingers clean before taking another bite. I heard James groan and I looked up at him quickly. He was staring at my mouth.

I put my tortilla down and grabbed a napkin, wiping my lips. "Better?" I asked, turning my head from side to side.

James nodded, his cheeks coloring. I heard the doorbell ring just as James's phone vibrated. I stood up, wiping my hands on the napkin.

"I'll get it," I said, heading out of the kitchen just as James was pulling his phone out of his pocket.

I had made it through the dining room and had my hand on the knob to open the front door when I heard a crash from the kitchen and Kell calling out, "Wait!"

But it was too late. I was already opening the door.

Two uniformed town cops stood on the stoop.

"Miss Sorenson," one said. "Your mother's been looking for you."


I took a step back from the door, and the one who had spoken stepped forward with me, reaching for my hand.

"You're not in trouble," he said quickly, trying to keep me from running.

I heard footsteps behind me and felt a body at my back. "Officers," James greeted.

The officers stood up straighter and one crossed his arms. "James," he said. "Miss Sorenson cannot stay here with you. She needs to go home."

I saw Kell step forward from the corner of my eye, his eyebrows pulled down low over his narrowed eyes, and then I saw Taylor pull him back, all while he spoke into his phone.

"She's studying here," James answered politely, getting my attention. "I'll be sure to bring her home after."

"James," the officer sighed. "You can't harbor every lost soul you find."

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now