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"How did he find us?"

"I don't know, James," Liam Anderson replied quickly, his heated tone matching James'. "He said he got a call from a woman claiming to be Lyric."

"That's a lie."

"The number on his cell phone came from your house, James," Liam replied hotly.

James looked over at me, where Kell had a protective arm wrapped around my shoulders. I sat next to him on my beautiful new sofa in my beautiful new home, as the darkest experience of my life was revisited.

"I didn't call him," my voice was barely above a whisper, but James heard me.

He was by my side in a second, kneeling in front of me and grasping my cold hands in his. "I know that. We know that. Someone called him and we need to know who."

Taylor was at the police station with Constance. She had retrieved all of the evidence against Garret that she had. The reports from the doctor who saw me in Maine, reports from the girls at Sheltering Arms, even my clothes. She brought them all with her.

Liam had told her they weren't likely to do any good; that too much time had passed and the police had received Officer Standish's reports from Maine. He looked at me apologetically, but told me there was little chance of them believing me over a cop. Still, he'd said, this department could surprise us. It was strange that a guy who'd filed a report of harassment would then travel hours from Illinois to South Carolina to visit the person harassing him.

Liam's cell rang and he picked it up. "Constance? Released when? And Garret? Great, okay."

"Taylor's free to go. Garret's in the hospital, and they're charging him with trespassing, but..." He looked at me pointedly. "They took the evidence we'd kept and they'd like to talk to you. They were pretty upset, Constance said, that no medical attention was given to you after the claims you made."

I didn't want to talk to them again. I felt panic bloom in my chest, overwhelming me. I brought my finger to my lip, pressing it to my teeth. I looked worriedly at Kell, silently begging for him to tell me I didn't have to do that. Just as I began to feel my heart pound, there was a tiny flutter, low in my belly. I put my hand over it, and my anxiety dissipated as quickly as it'd appeared.

That was my baby. She was doing somersaults or round house kicks or something, but that was her. I smiled before meeting Kell's dark worried eyes.

"I felt her," I whispered, grabbing his hand and moving it to the taut bump of my belly.

She did it again and his eyes widened. I grabbed James and put his hand on my belly as well. His pale hand and Kell's dark one dwarfed the bump. I imagined they were both cradling her close, and then she did it again. Twisting or turning, an unmistakable sign of movement that they both felt. She wanted them to feel her, I imagined.

James' eyes lit up. "That was her?" 

I nodded quickly, covering both their hands with mine. Kell laughed as she did it again, and again. I looked up to see Liam watching us strangely.

"I never felt her before," I explained.

His eyes, usually so cold and judgmental, softened and he nodded. After one more barrel roll, the baby stopped and James and Kell reluctantly withdrew their hands.

"I'm going to look at the monitors, check the call logs from the house, and figure out who made that call," James said. "We all know it wasn't Lyric."

"Whoever it was," Kell interjected, "has it out for Lyric."

"Or us."

Just like that, the happiness I'd felt receded, leaving only worry in its place.

"Are we safe here?" I asked, my hand cupping my baby.

James nodded, looking at Kell.

"We're adding more security, and we're enlisting some help from other Academy teams. They'll be checking in. If we need to, we can stay at an Academy safe house."

"Who would have called him, though, Jamie?" I asked, biting my lip, and feeling sick.

He closed his eyes. "I don't know Lyric. But I promise, I'll figure it out."

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now