Yup. Definitely Pregnant.

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The receptionist waited for me to answer, but I drew a total blank. My mind flicking through weeks like pages on a calendar. This was really happening. I had a prescription for prenatal vitamins in my hand and a pile of brochures in the other. The doctor didn't need me back for another eight weeks. I had peed on a stick and the answer was affirmative; I was pregnant.

She kept her fingers poised over the keys, raising one eyebrow.

"Do you have school?" she asked me. "Do you want an after-school appointment?" 

I heard a snort from the waiting room behind me and my face began to flame.

Kell squeezed my waist. "First available, please," he said.

The receptionist nodded, typing in my appointment before filling out a small white card and giving it back to me. Kell turned with me, and I met the eyes of the snorter. A woman watched me, her eyes narrowed, staring at me harshly. I could read the judgment on her face. I tried not to look away, but my eyes automatically went to the floor. I shouldn't feel ashamed. I'd done nothing wrong. Dr. Grace had told me over and over, being raped was not my fault, I hadn't deserved what had happened to me.

I lifted my eyes and met her glare, narrowing my eyes in return while wrapping my arm around Kell's waist. If I was going to be a mother, I needed to stand up for myself. I couldn't have a child and be some timid shadow, flinching at people's meanness, staying invisible.

This changed everything.

I stood up straighter. "Congratulations," I said to the woman, looking at her protruding belly.

Her eyes widened marginally and her face flushed. "Um," she responded hesitantly, "thanks."

I nodded and left.

Kell kept a tight grip on me, and as we walked down the stairs to the car where Taylor and James were waiting, I realized it was because I was trembling. The guys got out of the car as we approached, Taylor opening his arms wide and pulling me into his chest.

"I'm sorry, Crash. I shouldn't have reacted like that," he said, kissing my hair before pulling back to look into my eyes.

I shook my head. "It's a shock."

Jamie's face was still pale. He didn't speak, just opened up the door and waited for me to get in. I sat in back with Kell while the other two guys got in the front and we drove away.

James began speaking as we drove. "I talked to Constance and Dr. Roberts. I found an OB/GYN that's Academy."

I bit my lip, one ear tuned to James, the other going down a path I had never imagined at sixteen: insurance, diapers, daycare, jobs... no more college, study, travel with the guys... I made a gesture, wiping it from my mind. I wasn't going to wallow. I needed to make plans and get moving.

"I need to get my degree," I interrupted. "Jamie, can you help me finish the online things I need to do to get my diploma? Then I want to start taking college classes right away. I need something marketable: like nursing. Then I need Constance to get my paperwork in order. Taylor, can you call Constance about getting a copy of my birth certificate and social security card? I need a job and I need to start saving."

"Slow down," James interjected. "Let's just focus on one thing at a time. We're having a baby. That changes things. But we're okay. I've got enough money to take care of us and this baby, and this baby's baby. Yeah, it's not the way we wanted it to happen. And yeah, I think we all feel like we just got sucker punched, but let's just take one thing at a time."

"James is right," Taylor turned around, giving me a half-smile. "It's gonna be fine. We all had a freak out, but we're better off than any one else our age in this position."

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