Waddle Waddle

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I reached for the platter that was above the sink, but my stomach kept getting in the way. I dragged a chair over to the sink and eyed it.

I eyed the platter, and then I eyed the chair and finally, I decided against it. There was no way I was getting my huge body on that chair, balancing precariously, and then easing a glass platter off a high shelf. There were a thousand things that could go wrong.

"I'm glad you thought twice about that," Kell said, walking toward me, moving the chair to the side and getting the platter.

"I wonder if she'll be tall," I thought aloud, as Kell handed it to me.

"She'll probably be a peanut like you."

I smiled, walking over to the stove and scooping the roasted veggies onto the platter. I felt a cramp in my back and put the spoon down, stretching from side to side.

"You've been doing that a lot today," Kell noticed. "Your back hurts?"

I nodded. "It keeps spasming," I explained, "like a really painful cramp."

He looked at me, his face paling slightly. "How often?"

I shrugged and sat down in the chair. "Early this morning and throughout today." I looked at the clock. "It's getting more frequent as the day goes on, though. Probably because I've been on my feet too long."

Kell pulled out his phone and I saw him start to message someone. "We're going to the hospital."

"What?" I asked. "Why? Are James and Taylor okay? What happened?"

I stood up, and waddled over to him, grabbing his wrist, and looking at his phone.

Lyric is in labor, it read.

I stared at it. "I'm in labor?"

My back spasmed again and I stretched, wincing as I did.

"Oh my god, Kell," I said, smiling widely when the pain had passed. "I'm in labor! This is it!"

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now