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Lyric's Point of View

I let the water pound down against my skin, but despite the temperature, I shivered uncontrollably.

I kept my eyes closed tight, and just felt the water. I picture all of my fears and all of my pain washing down the drain.

"I'm right here, Pumpkin, if you need me," Leandra called to me.

I almost smiled.

These girls were a gift from God, and I didn't know why. Why would God send them to me now, and not protect me when I needed it most?

I pushed my hair out of my eyes and slowly sat up under the spray. I looked around the small shower.

"Is there any soap?" I asked quietly, my voice sounding as cracked as I felt.

A hand reached in holding a bottle of body wash. "Here," she said.

I took it and dumped a it into my hand before rubbing it all over me. It smelled like raspberries, and nearly overpowered me. I felt my stomach heave again, but I swallowed hard. There was nothing left in my body to throw up anyway. I heard voices outside the shower, but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I dumped the body wash on my head, scrubbing my hair and feeling a twinge on my scale from my still-healing wound.

I ignored it.

It was getting easier to ignore the pain in my body. It wasn't that it hurt less, but the hurt was changing. It was getting deeper, settling into my bones in a way that made me feel like maybe it was becoming part of me.

I shut the water off and a hand immediately reached in with a towel.

"Thanks," I got out, wrapping it around my body and waiting.

I heard a throat clear. "I'm going to help you out," Leandra said, "and we're going to bring you to our room."

I waited, getting ready to make an excuse about why I could get myself there when my treacherous body began to sway again. The curtain opened and I gripped the top of the towel a little tighter. Leandra's eyes traveled the length of my body quickly, and my eyes shut tight in response.

I knew what she saw.

I tried to block out what I'd seen when I'd washed my body, but unbidden, my mind flashed to putting on my clothes in my room.

"Hey," she said, her voice soft. "Open your eyes. Keep them on me. You can rest soon."

I nodded. She held out a huge t-shirt and I felt my throat tighten as I remembered my overlarge, comfy, gettin' lucky in Kentucky t-shirt. Taylor's face appeared in my mind and it undid me. I bent over at the waist, gasping for breath. I felt the t-shirt placed over my head and it settled over my waist and butt, until it hit almost the tops of my knees.

"Come on," Leandra whispered, and then, "I'm going to take your hand and bring you to our room."

I couldn't answer, but wrapped an arm around my waist, trying to stand more upright. I felt a hand gently grasp mine and give a little tug. I opened my eyes and followed her out of the bathroom, walking tenderly. The bed was turned down and I fell into it.

"Can I give you something to help you sleep?" she asked, kneeling next to the bed.

I stared at her, trying to make sense of her words. I was still cotton-mouthed and muddled from whatever Garret... I stopped.

"Yes," I choked.

She turned around and I saw a small girl standing in the doorway. She held a bottle of water and looked at Leandra before stepping inside.

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now