Birthday Party

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Marie's Point of View: 4 years later

Mommy made Sang's favorite cake, and put my favorite frosting on it. Sang didn't care, 'cause she's just a baby.

We started singing Happy Birthday and Sang's face got real red and she hid her face in her hands. Mommy laughed and pulled her hands away before taking a picture. Sang looked at me and I knew she needed her big sister, so I stood next to her to help her blow out the candles.

When everyone stopped singing, we looked at each other. Sang put her finger up to her lip, like she just started doing when she's thinking really hard, and I closed my eyes and when I opened them, I saw Mommy looked wicked mad, and Daddy looked really really happy, and I forgot to blow out the candles, but Sang did, and that meant that I wouldn't get a wish.

Sang didn't get a lot of presents, but it was still neat, because there were new toys, and she always shared. She wasn't like J.J.'s sister, who never shared and always tattled, or even made things up so she'd get in trouble with J.J.'s mom.

We sat on the floor of our room and I was really careful taking the new My Little Pony out of the box. It's easy for me, because I'm six, and I even pulled out the really tiny elastic that holds the mane all pretty.

"Sang," Mommy's voice still sounded mad and she still looked mad when I saw her standing in the doorway with her arms crossed.

Sang looked up and when she saw Mommy's face, she got really really nervous and put her finger up to her lip again. Mommy's eyes narrowed, and I knew Sang was in trouble, but I didn't know what she did.

I hoped I wasn't in trouble.

"You don't deserve all these toys," Mommy told her, her voice sounded weird, deep but trembly. "You got a lot of pretty things, but pretty things are for good girls, and you're not a good girl."

Sang's eyes filled up with tears and I wondered what she did. It must have been really bad for Mommy to sound like this and say those things, especially on her birthday.

"I'm sorry, Mommy," Sang whispered, and she dropped the brush that she'd been using to comb out Applejack's tail.

Daddy came in behind Mommy and looked at Sang and then looked at Mommy and sighed, "What's the problem, Kate?" he asked her.

When Daddy called Mommy, "Kate," it meant they were going to yell at each other. I took Sang's hand and pulled her a little bit closer. We both hated it when they yelled, and they yelled a lot.

Well, Mommy yelled. Daddy just slammed doors and went for long drives and stayed at work.

"Your daughter is going to corrupt our daughter," Mommy told him, whipping around and pointing at him.

"What does corrupt mean?" I asked.

Mommy looked over,  but ignored  me.

"No she's not, Kate," Daddy whispered, his voice sounding angry too, "Sang's a sweet girl, just like..."

"Don't!" Mommy yelled at him, "Don't say it! I tried! I tried, Garret, I brought her home and I tried to raise her right, but blood will tell. And that girl is going to turn out bad."

Sang squeezed my hand tight and her lip got all wobbly. She was going to get snotty too if she cried, that would just make Mommy madder so I squeezed her hand back. 

Don't cry don't cry don't cry don't cry, I thought.

But even if she's three, she's still just a baby and she started to cry.

"Stop it!" Mommy yelled at her, stamping her foot and she took one mad step at Sang and slapped her. Right. Across. The. Face.

I gasped. Mommy never had hit her before. Mommy had never looked so angry with Sang before. She got mad, but she just put us in time out or made us go in our room. She hadn't hit us before.

Sang's hand went up to her face and she stopped crying right away.

Mommy kneeled down next to her and got really still, watching Sang, waiting. Sang's finger came up to her lip, and I looked at Daddy who was watching Mommy close. Mommy's hand shot out and she grabbed Applejack and then she threw it at Daddy. It hit Daddy and fell. He just left it there and stared at Mommy, and something about the way Daddy looked at her was just as mean as the way Mommy was looking at Sang now.

Mommy stood up and left the room. I heard their bedroom door slam. It was so hard that the glass ballerinas I had on my bureau jiggled and fell over. Daddy just sighed and bent down to pick up Applejack. He dropped him next to Sang, who didn't even look at him. She just sat there. Kind of shocked. Her hand still on her cheek.

Daddy knelt down and took Sang's hand away, tilting her face to look at it. But he wasn't looking at her cheek, he was just looking her over.

"I can't believe I didn't see it before," he whispered, turning her head toward the light.

He smiled real big, and gave Sang a kiss on the nose, and then he stood up.

"Try and stay out of your mother's way, Sang," he said seriously, and the smile was gone from his face.

And he turned and walked out of the room. Closing the door behind him. He din't even say goodbye to me. He didn't even give me a kiss. Sang had her stupid finger on her lip again when I looked at her and I knocked it away.

"Stop it," I said, mad at her. This was all her fault. I didn't know why, but it was.

I picked up Applejack and the brush and went over to my bed.

"You stay over there," I said meanly. She was bad. Mommy said so, I didn't know why and I didn't know how, but I knew it.

"I'm playing with Applejack, and I'm playing with Rainbow Dash. You don't get to 'cause you were bad." 

Sang just stood up, and went over to her bed. She sat on it, and stared at her hands.

Stupid baby. 

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now