Lyric's Point of View- 6 Years Later

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Kell and James held me tightly. Their arms wrapped around me as we sat in the dark, watching the house just outside of Galena, Illinois. The house was neat, but run-down. It didn't look like the kind of place an architect-cum-engineer would live.

It was the sixth time I'd been here, the first was six years ago. It was the very first place I came after my baby had been taken. A car parked in the driveway, and I saw a dark-haired girl exit the backseat.

And then I saw Garret.

He was stooped, and much older looking. His hair was too long, and his jacket hung off his frame. He looked faded.

"Marie," I said, recognizing her from my seat even without the night vision binoculars.

The door opened to the house and Kate stood framed in the doorway. She was wearing a burgundy robe and held a sheet of paper out to Garret. He took it without looking and walked inside. I winced a moment later when her voice screeched through my earpiece.

"Your daughter left without permission, Garret! I got up after lunch and she was gone! Gone! And then she came skipping inside, said she'd been walking in the woods!"

I looked at Kell. "Can Taylor see her?"
Kell shook his head.

"Where is she, Kate?" Garret's voice was just as faded as he was, there was no power, no life behind it.

"She's at your mother's," Kate answered. "I didn't want to look at her. I was so upset. Do you know what could have happened to her out there? I shudder to think about it! Marie! No crackers! You need dinner first."

I heard the chairs scraping and then. "The school needs her birth certificate, Garret. I've put them off, but the kindergarten teacher called again."

"I just have to find it, Kate. It's in my office somewhere."

"Why don't I just look?"

"I don't want you in there. It's my office. Stay out."

The rest of the meal was silent.

"Did Taylor get that?" I asked.

Kell nodded, touching his ear. "He's bringing it back."

I waited, my finger pressing against my lips. "The grandparents live in Galena, we'll go as soon as he's back."

Kell nodded, and gripped my knee, giving it a squeeze. James was talking on the phone.

"I have another team checking out the grandparents. They'll let us know the best place to set up."

Taylor opened the front door and slid in the driver's seat. "According to this, it's not her."

He offered me the birth certificate. It was the same one we already had, and he was right. The date of birth was close, but a month earlier than my baby's birthday, and the parents listed were Garret and Kate Sorenson.

"It could be fake."

"It could be," James said, as Taylor started the car.

We rolled down the street, taking out the ear pieces that had let us listen to the Sorenson's. Our focus was on the grandparents now, and whether or not the little girl there was our little girl. 

Ghost Bird Fanfiction: Sang's Lyric,  The Story of Sang Sorenson's MotherWhere stories live. Discover now