Lyric's Point of View- 6 Months Later

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I blinked blearily at the computer screen, staring at the loop again and again. James stopped it, rubbing his eyes, and without even looking at me, started it again.

We were watching the weeks leading up to the baby being taken, looking for any clue that could show us when the cameras had been refocused or the bracelet alarms de-activated.

We knew who had done that, we just didn't know why, because she was dead. The nurse from the maternity ward had killed herself. Her body was found near Magnolia Plantation, badly decomposed from days spent in the Ashley River. We didn't know what she'd done with the baby, or where she was now.

We didn't know if she was even alive.

I crossed my arms over my chest, squeezing my chest slightly. Even now, with my milk dried up, my breasts still ached. As soon as I thought about the baby, they would throb with phantom pains.

My heart hurt too, though, that pain was very real.

James leaned forward, and I saw his lips moving. He was counting until the loop began again.

We'd memorized these videos. We knew that at exactly twenty nine minutes into the video that began at 0500 on October 10th, a loop began. It recorded the morning shift change, it showed people entering the hospital for their surgeries. It showed the elderly volunteers at the front desk directing people to the right floors. It showed balloons being delivered, and it showed a man strung out on meth being brought into the emergency room.

The faces of these people were familiar enough to me that I'd recognize them if I saw them at the grocery store.

I heard the front door close and knew without looking that it was Taylor and Kell. They'd gone to stake out a home in Central Florida. We'd gotten a call from a team down there about a family who'd adopted a baby found at a fire station. The baby was about my baby's age, and had been abandoned. She'd been placed with an emergency foster family. Kell and Taylor went to take a DNA sample and run tests. They'd sent me a picture, but I knew it wasn't my baby.

They'd asked me, kindly, but honestly, if I would be able to tell now. She would have changed so much.

I'd gone up to our room then, and crawled into bed. It took me until today to get out, and they'd already left.

I stood up, hopeful. So hopeful.

Kell shook his head. "I'm sorry, Priya, it wasn't her."

I sat down and stared at the loop. I felt Taylor behind me, pulling the chair around and kneeling in front of me. "Crash," he said hoarsely.

I fell into his arms with a cry. It hurt. I wanted my baby. I wanted her so much.

"Taylor," I sobbed. "Why?"

I felt his tears on my neck as he hugged me tightly. He shook his head. It was the question we asked over and over, why? 

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