Sleepy Nicknames

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I touched the back of my hand to my lip, and winced, pulling it away quickly. I couldn't stop worrying the cut with my tongue, re-opening the wound. The pain was comforting for some reason. It was easier to think about than my mother watching her boyfriend beat me up while she recorded the action on her cell phone.

My mom had never been a caretaker, but for a little while, in memories that seemed hazier and hazier, she had been fun. She didn't worry about birthdays or Christmases, cavities or going to the doctor. But there were times of wonderful silliness at the park, jumping off of swings or hanging upside down on the monkey bars.

As I aged, she became more and more distant. She cared less about the people she spent time with, and let herself wallow in a haze of drugs and booze. Still, I thought, somewhere buried deep inside her would be a connection to me that she couldn't deny. I had assumed, if the chips were down, she'd be on my side. But if she'd never stepped in front of a hit for me before, why would she today? It's just... she'd never actively participated either.

I sniffed, and in the green glow of the dashboard lights, I saw James digging in his pocket before reaching to the backseat to hand me a handkerchief.

Taylor leaned forward, grabbing it for me, before he leaned back and pulled me back into his body. Kell turned around from where he sat to look at me. I was grateful that no one spoke. Now that we were away from the trailer, and I was safe, the events of the day started to compound, one on top of the other. First the Academy, then the police officers, and finally getting beat up by Tim and my mother.

The little girl voice in my head was crying and stomping her foot, asking why I couldn't be loved, why things had to be hard. Then a darker voice began to echo through my mind, telling me that I didn't deserve love, that I should wait and see, because no matter how much I loved the boys or anyone else, they'd never love me back.

I must have been holding the handkerchief a while, staring at it like I didn't know what to do, because Taylor reached over and took it from my hands, gently pressing it against both my cheeks and then holding it to my lip.

"You don't want to bleed all over James's fancy car now, do ya' Crash?" he asked me, trying to infuse his voice with a lightness I knew he didn't feel.

I forced a laugh, because I didn't want him to feel bad.

I reached up and touched his hand with mine, letting him know he could let go if he wanted to, but he didn't, he just reached up with his other hand to cup my chin.

I held my hand over his, feeling his strong hand and closed my eyes, leaning back against the seat.

The next thing I knew, I was wrapped in a cold leather jacket, and pressed against a hard chest.

"I can carry her, Kell," Taylor whispered angrily.

"I know you can, numpty," Kell whispered back. "But you were much too slow and I have her now."

"I can walk," I said, not wanting them to argue, and I pushed against Kell's chest, but he just pulled me in tighter.

"I know you can," he replied, "but I want to carry you."

I sighed, letting my head thump back onto his chest and closing my eyes. I could smell the sea and opened my eyes, Kell hadn't brought me into my room, but to one of theirs. He laid me gently on the bed, and started to take my shoes off. I felt the bed dip and looked over to see Taylor pushing my hair back to look into my face, checking bruises and looking in my eyes.

"I'm gonna get a washcloth for your face?" he said, phrasing it like a question.

"Got it," James's voice carried to me.

James came into view, his golden eyes narrowed in concentration as he lightly pressed the washcloth to my face, cleaning up my chin and my cheeks. I could feel Kell at my feet, pulling my socks off and tucking my legs under the sheets. Taylor looked over at James and shifted away.

"Wait," I cried softly. Taylor stopped and shifted back to me. "Will you stay?"

He looked up again at James, who nodded, before resting his head on the pillow.

"Will you all stay?" I asked, looking at Kell and James.

They both nodded, Kell's eyes dark with something that made my stomach clench. I felt the bed shift again, and then the sound of a chair being dragged across the floor. My eyelids were getting heavy. Probably a result of the adrenaline leaving my body. I saw James slide into a comfy looking chair near the bed.

I closed my eyes, letting fatigue pull me toward sleep.

"Sleep next to me, Jamie," I whispered, snuggling deeper into the covers.

I heard a chuckle next to me, Taylor's deep voice reverberating in my ear, "Jamie?" 

I nodded against the pillow. "Jamie."

I reached my hand out, and opened my eyes long enough to locate James' hand, then I reached behind me and pulled Taylor's arm around my waist, and closed my eyes again. "And Tex."

"What about me, Priya," I heard Kell's whisper. 

My Kell didn't want to be left out. He might mask his feelings behind an emotionless facade, but I knew what he was feeling.

 "My Kell," I said, my mouth opening in a huge yawn. "I just think of you as mine."

I let myself drift, surrounded by the scents and arms of the guys who protected me.

"You're ours, Priya," I heard Kell whisper and I drifted off to sleep. 

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