Wake-Up Call

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I felt a tickle across the back of my neck, and scratched beneath my hair. An arm snaked across my lower belly and pulled me into a hard chest. I smiled in my sleep, realizing it was someone... I woke up a little bit more...Taylor's breath on my neck. He'd fallen asleep with me after returning from the police station, holding me close to him. His steady heartbeat had lulled me to sleep.

I felt a kiss on my forehead and then along my jaw, soft lips, just lightly framed by stubble scraped against my skin.

I woke up a little bit more when I felt Taylor's hips thrust a little into my backside. I blinked open my eyes and stared into James' eyes. The light was on in the closet, illuminating the room in a warm dim light. I peeked at the window, but the sky was still dark.

"Do I need to get up?" I whispered, wondering if they had banded together to wake me up to go to the police station, or somewhere equally stressful.

I felt the bed shift and I looked up to see Kell crawling over me. A surge of excitement bloomed in my belly, and I felt a small smile creep across my lips. "What are you doing?"

Kell gave me a loaded smile, but I couldn't see what he was up to because my eyes closed a moment later when James fastened his mouth on mine. His lips pursed, his tongue tracing my mouth, seeking my permission. I opened my lips and stroked my tongue against his. I could feel Taylor moving my hair over my shoulder. James pulled his head back and laughed.

I looked at him in confusion until I saw that Taylor had flipped my hair right into James' face, "I'm supposed to be a lot cooler than this," he whispered.

I laughed with him and wrapped my hand around his neck to pull him back to my mouth. I reached my other hand back to grasp Taylor's cheek. I could feel him trailing kissing along my shoulders and then there was the persistent forward and back motion of his hips against mine.

My hips rolled in reaction. James' hand snaked down my arm, onto my hip before lifting my leg across his. He began to thrust into the cradle of my hips, and with him in front of me, and Taylor behind me, I was overwhelmed with pleasurable contact.

I felt the air shift and a cool breeze moved over my body. Kell had pulled the covers away and was crawling over my body. He pressed his hands against my hips, and I groaned at the loss of pressure from James and Taylor. He made up for it a moment later though, when he pulled my legs apart and began kissing his way from my ankles to my knees.

Taylor moved down my body as well. His hand running along the leg that Kell had just abandoned. His warm fingers tickled behind my knee before curving inward and climbing to my inner thigh. I felt his fingers along the band of my underwear and raised my hips; a silent request to keep going. He chuckled into my ear and then one finger was lifting away the material and slowly tracing along the folds of my body.

I pushed myself toward him and then gasped when I felt James' fingers join Taylor's. Kell had focused on my knees, but was climbing higher and higher on my body. I felt his hands on my hips and then he was grasping my underwear and pulling it down my body. I moaned when James and Taylor moved their hands, but they returned a second later; James delving one long finger inside me, circling my entrance before pushing it inside me.

Kell's mouth fastened on me just as James withdrew his finger.

They worked in tandem. Kell circling and flicking the sensitive bundle of nerves at the apex of my thighs while James slowly pumped his finger in and out of me. He slowly entered me with his middle finger, stretching and thrusting up into me.

Taylor lifted his head and moved to my chest. He raised my shirt, kissing across my hips before kissing my belly. I felt his head move back and I lifted my head to look at him. He smiled up at me, giving my stomach another sweet kiss before moving onto my mouth.

He kissed me desperately. I could feel his emotions churning in his kiss; his fear, his anger at Garret, but above all else, his love and complete devotion. His hand gently cupped my stomach and rubbed across it. I moved my hand from where I'd tangled my fingers in Kell's hair to Taylor's face.

He drew back to look at me. "I love you." I smiled at him before my eyes closed. James had moved his fingers from within me and had tangled his tongue with Kell's as they both kissed and nipped at me.

A moment later I was calling out, my body free-falling off a cliff of sensation. The guys were there to catch me though, drawing out my release. I felt my body relax into the bed. I sat up, determined to return some of the pleasure they'd just given me, but Kell pushed at my shoulders, forcing me to lie down.


He silenced me with a kiss. I could feel his soft stubble and taste my release on his lips. James pulled me into his body and Kell wedged himself between Taylor and me.

"Hey!" Taylor said playfully.

"You can spoon me," Kell retorted.

I heard Taylor laugh. James kissed my shoulder and Kell took my hands.

Something had changed tonight, we'd always been a family, and I'd been intimate with all of them, but this felt like we were taking a step toward something even more beautiful and complete. Taylor's hand reached over Kell's body for me and I held it in mine. I fell asleep quickly, my body wrapped around James and Kell, my hand holding Taylor's.

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