[1] Crush

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Imagine Shawn, your crush, asking you out.

The halls were filled with many faces, none with which I found interesting. My friend, Sammy, was walking with me to the last period of the day, gym.

Gym was my least favorite period of the day, I wasn't athletic at all. I played soccer when I was little but one hit in the face with a ball and I was done. After that I never played any sport, I'm pretty scrawny, not that pretty, and well never had a boyfriend.

At my school there's a 'clique' or group that runs the school. The group consists of Jack Gilinsky, Jack Johnson, Nash Grier, Cameron Dallas, Matthew Espinosa, Shawn Mendes, and Sammy Wilkinson, also known as my best friend. He's the only guy in that group who actually wants to be friends with me and doesn't make fun of me.

I have liked 2 guys from that group before, Jack Gilinsky and Shawn Mendes. I liked Jack last year and I actually asked him out but he rejected me and went to a slutty girl named Madison Beer (a/n i love Madison, I don't hate her😊)

Now, Shawn Mendes is the guy who I like now. He's unexplainably attractive, the way his hair is so messy sometimes makes me want to open my eyes one day and see him next to me on the bed we share. I liked Jack and all but Shawn, he makes me so giddy and get these stupid butterflies in my stomach.

Sammy and I part ways to the different locker rooms. I have the whole group in my gym class, (they always make sure to have the same classes together each year). Sammy always sits next to me and I appreciate that a lot, I'm surprised he hasn't gotten kicked out of the group yet.

After I get changed into my sweatpants and LA Clippers shirt and I head into the gym and sit on the bleachers, where Sammy joins me moments later.

"Hey girlie." He says putting an arm around my shoulders. 

"Hey Samuel." I smirk as I say his real name.

He's about to say something but he catches me staring at Shawn who just came into the gym. He has a black muscle tee shirt with white basketball shorts on. Wow he's hot.

"Stop staring." Sammy whispers, making me snap out of my trance.

"Okay class sit down! Today we'll be playing volleyball, you all know the basic drills so we'll split up into teams of 6. Of course I'll pick the teams, there will be 2 teams on the court at a time and the rest will watch. First team; Nash, Lindsey, Sammy, Cameron, Madison, and Jack Johnson. Second team; Jack Gilinsky, Shawn, Matt, Diana, Will, and Y/N. Get in your teams and we'll begin!" Coach A says.

Great, just great. I hate playing sports and I hate playing volleyball and another other sport that requires a ball.

"Hey, you'll do great." Sammy says and heads over to the other side of the net.

"Shawn's team serves first!" The coach yells.

Jack G serves it over the net and Nash saves it by bumping to Sammy, then he bumps it to Cameron and he spikes the ball towards me. It hits me right in the nose and I fall to the ground.

"God damn it Y/N! You just cost us a point!" Jack G yells at me while I'm still on the ground.

"Gilinsky! Go do 100 push ups in the corner. Now!" Coach A yells.

Jack groans and goes to the corner and starts doing push ups.

"Mendes take her to the nurses office." Oh god, no no no.

I put my hand to my nose and realize it's bleeding, shit. Shawn comes towards me and...picks me up? He carries me all the way to the nurses office and sets me down on the chair.

"Just a bruised nose, nothing serious. I'll get you some ice and prescribe you to pain killers."  The nurse leaves the room to go get ice.

"You didn't I have to stay." I mumble looking at Shawn.

He gets up and sits next to me, "You were hurt, I wanted to do something for you."

"But you're supposed to hate me. Your whole group does instead of Sammy who actually wants to be my friend and sticks by my side. You're supposed to hate me and laugh at me when I get hurt-" I get cut off by Shawn, who smashes his lips onto mine, being careful not to hurt my nose.

I'm surprised by his actions so I pull back and look at him confused.

"What the hell was that?" I ask.

"Just kiss me." He whispers before kissing me again.

We kiss for a couple more seconds before the door opens and we pull away. The nurse comes in and gives me an icepack.

"Thank you." I say before Shawn and I leave.

I put the ice pack on my nose. Shawn and I walk back to the gym together but we go slowly.

"What the hell was that all about?" I ask Shawn, referring to the kiss.

"I like you, end of story."

"Yeah but no one likes me. I'm the weird girl in the corner remember?" I remind him.

"Listen, I've has feelings for you since last year but I was afraid that people would judge me. Now, I don't care what people say. I want to be with you. So, will you go out with me?" He asks.

"Shawn, I have to think about this-"

He slams me against the tile wall and leans towards me, "Baby girl, please say yes."

I nod my head and bring his lips to mine.


Yay my first imagine! This one was really cute and I hope you all enjoyed it. Please request imagines by messaging me or dm'ing me on Instagram (holyyshawn).

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