[7] Dear Y/N

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Imagine Shawn is in the army and he writes a bunch of letters to you.

I haven't been outside in so long, it's like I don't exist anymore. Ever since Shawn left to war I have had no one in the house to be with; we were supposed to get married last week.

Sometimes I imagine he is just at work but it's when it turns midnight I realize I have to wait another day.

Today I checked my mail in what seems like forever and there were letters from Shawn, a bunch of them. I place them from earliest to this date and start reading...

April 13th, 2015

Dear Y/N,
It's only been a couple days without you and I already miss you like crazy. I miss holding you in my arms and whispering the most stupidest, cheesiest things in your ear. We were getting married in a couple of months...but they called me back for war over seas and I couldn't refuse. I'm so sorry for leaving you alone at night, having you worry every day if I made it out alive or not. Well I am alive and breathing right now and I will keep on fighting for you. They say the more I do something, the sooner I get to go home so I will fight my ass off. General said I could write to you whenever I could so I'm taking the opportunity. I have to go; I'll write soon. I love you fiancé

~Shawn xoxo

April 30th, 2015

Dear Y/N,
It's been almost a month without you and I'm about to go crazy. One more day without you and I swear I'll run out onto the battle field with nothing at all. Being in the army is so fucking hard, why did I ever sign up? I want to come home and marry you, have kids with you, do everything with you. The love I have for you is so overwhelming I can't stop thinking about you. Literally; today I was in a life and death situation and all I could think about was your lips on mine. I need help, I need to go home though. I hate leaving you alone. If I can't even stand 8 hours without you on a workday how am I supposed to survive another year and a half without you? Holy shit, please help me. I need you, so badly.

~Shawn xoxo

May 11th, 2015

Dear Y/N,
You haven't written back to me at all, the first letter should've gotten to you and I should've gotten your letter back to me by now. Are you dead? Did you move? Oh what the hell am I saying you just probably aren't even going out of the house to get the mail. I know you and when you get sad or depressed you don't leave the house. God I need to come home to you right now. My heart aches for you that it actually hurts. I'm still going crazy without you but I've calmed down. I realized that some guys have kids and a wife at home so I can't be beating myself up. I still need you though, I stay up every night thinking you're in my arms, that's what makes me fall asleep. I love you baby, I have to go.

~Shawn xoxo

May 30th, 2015

Dear Y/N,
Wow it's been a while since I've written; I am so sorry baby. Things are getting rough, we've had 5 bomb attacks in the last week and they are getting closer to our campsite each day. I don't know how much longer I have honestly, one step outside and I could be blown up. I really want to stay though; fight for my country. What makes me continue to fight is thinking that they're trying to get to you and take you away from me. So far I have shot down about 4 men by using that method. I miss you, I'll see you soon don't your worry.

~Shawn xoxo

June 24th, 2015

Dear Y/N,
Again I am so sorry I haven't written to you in awhile. I haven't received any letters from you which worries me even more. You might hate me for leaving you, but you have to know that one of my majorities in life is saving people. I love you; more than anything in this damn world and I will be home soon. In other news, my best friend here, David, just got killed the other day. He taught me a lot of things I know now and I am alive because of him. We had a funeral for him yesterday and it pained my heart to see him dead. Take care my darling, can't wait to see your beautiful fave.

~Shawn xoxo

July 17th, 2015,

Dear Y/N,
Today was supposed to be our wedding day, I would be married to you today. No more calling you just my girlfriend; you'd be my wife. I have amazing news though, I'm coming home next week! Holy shit I get to see you, baby I am coming home in a week. I will hug you and kiss you and we will have our wedding the next day. I actually wrote my vows today; it's pretty long but after we get out of that place and go on our honeymoon, we can have sex because why not. I can't wait to have kids with you, wake up to you every morning. I remember when we met, I called you out in class remember? God what a dick I was. But that made us argue in the hallway and we both knew we liked each other, we were just too scared to admit it. Baby baby baby, I love you. I'll see you in 7 days.

~Shawn xoxo

I look at the date today and it is July 26th. He was supposed to be home two days ago. At that moment my door bell rings and I open the door to reveal men dressed in suits holding a container.

"You are Y/N right?" The man on the left asks.

"Yes, what's going on?" I ask nervously.

"We are very sorry to say this but, you're fiancé is dead."

That's when the whole world goes black.


Why did I do this? I don't know.

If you have a request of an imagine please message me or comment!

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