[35] Shattered Part 2

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Shawn's POV

Carly, Allison, and I arrived at the hospital immediately after the call we got from Y/N's parents. This wall my fault, this was my own fucking fault.

I ran into the waiting room, but a nurse cut me off. "Sir you can't go back there. Family only."

"I need to her," I beg the nurse. "I need to see Y/N Y/L/N."

"She's in surgery right now," She informs me. "Stable condition. She'll be fine."

My breathing became steadier as I took a seat and kept those words running through my head; 'stable condition'. Carly and Allison came in, both sitting by me. I didn't want to even look at Carly now, she was a mistake of mine. I love Y/N, why the hell did I even cheat on her?

"Is she going to be okay?" Allison asks next to me.

I look at her, "Nurse said she'll be in stable condition; in surgery right now."

Carly tries to place her hand on my shoulder, but I shake it off. I feel like shit right now. So many things could happen during surgery: what if she wakes up too soon, what if the doctors mess up, what if she doesn't respond to the treatment?

Y/N's parents come out of a hallway and see me. I stand up and walk towards them; Allison and Carly following suit.

"Is she going to be okay?" I ask.

Her dad shakes his head. "Too much blood loss. She died in the middle of surgery."

That's when her mom starts breaking down and cried into his shoulder. I hear Allison choke out a sob behind me and Carly hug her.

"Shawn wait," Her dad hands me a letter. "I found this in her room a couple nights ago. I think you want to read it."

I thanked him and took the letter. I wanted to go home, but Allison was my ride home. My legs carry me to a chair and I sit down to read it:

I hope you don't think I'm a stalker after this, but I found a note on your desk. It had an address to a ring shop...and then it had a note saying 'after graduation'. I'm planning to give you this after graduation so we can both laugh back on it.

I've always thought about spending the rest of my life with you, and now here it is – coming up in a couple months. I love you so so much babe. Plus, we're spending our honeymoon in Hawaii because we've always talked about going there together. Anyways my parents are nagging at me to come to dinner, so I better go.

-Y/N Mendes <3

I fold the paper neatly into my pocket and stare at the dull blue wall in front of me. Carly's gaze catches mine and I look away; it's her fault. No, it's my fault. She was seducing me – she was drunk – and I gave in. The thing was I could've used an excuse like 'Oh I was drunk' but I wasn't. Yes I did have a few drinks, but I was sober enough to say no.

My stomach tightens when I process the thought of me wanting to propose to a girl, but I slept with her best friend just a couple months before.

If someone asked me to rate the pain I'm feeling right now from 1-10, I'd answer 11. Because it hurts. It fucking hurts.


i'm a sucker for sad imagines woops. but many requested part 2...so here you go! self promotion, but if you haven't already go check out my shawn social media fan fic :)

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