[14] Mistletoe

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"Explain again," Carly said looking at me like I was crazy.

"We haven't kissed yet."

"So you're telling me that you've been dating Shawn for a month and you haven't kissed? God you're the most innocent couple at this school!" She slammed her locker and continued to stare at me.

"We just haven't had the right time. I mean, we've been close to kissing but something would always interrupt us," I closed my locker too and headed out the doors of the school toward my car.

"Wait! I have a perfect idea!" Carly says running to catch up with me. "Louis and I are throwing a Christmas party tonight since Christmas is next week, invite Shawn and maybe you can get a secluded room or something and share your first kiss."

I nodded in agreement to her suggestion and went home to change into more suitable clothes. Once I got dressed and rested for a while it was already 7, so I said goodbye to my parents and left.

"You look sexy!" Carly says as she opens the door for me.

"Thank you, Shawn will be a little late. He's picking up his grandma from the airport," I say walking into her house.

"Aw he's such a gentlemen."

Jack emerges from the kitchen and greets me with a hug.

"Hey Johnson," I smile at my best friend.

"Hey Y/L/N. Carly tells me you haven't kissed Shawn yet," He smirks.

I shoot a glare at Carly for telling him.

"Well we're planning to tonight-well I am but-I'm done talking about this!" I throw my hands up and walk into the living room to take a seat.

An hour passes by and many people fill the house. Shawn still hasn't arrived and I am bored out of my mind while people talk all around me. The door opens and finally Shawn comes in. I get up and go to hug him.

"Hey baby," He says holding me tightly.

"Hey, how's your grandma?"

"Good, still had to remind her every 10 minutes though that we were in Toronto now," He chuckles pulling away.

"Hey Shawn! Wanna drink?" Carly says walking up to us.

"No thanks, I don't drink," Shawn says.

Carly looks at him like he's crazy but shrugs it off. She goes back to Jack so we're left alone.

I was about to say we could go upstairs for some privacy but Shawn beats me to it, "Do you want to go outside? It's loud in here."

I nod my head and walk outside with him.

"I'm sorry if this party is too extreme for you, I just wanted to spend time with you," I say.

"No no it's fine. As long as you're here I'm happy."

"I-I just wanted to have a good time and-"

Shawn interrupts me by kissing me hard. He places his hands on my waist and deepens the kiss. I couldn't help but wrap my hands around his neck. It was perfect, too perfect.

I pulled away and looked at him, "What was that for?"

"Look up," I looked up and saw a mistletoe hanging on the railing. "I wanted our first kiss to be tonight, Carly put up a mistletoe for me so I could easily kiss you. And I'm sure as hell glad I did."

I love Shawn so much oh my god. If you want to leave requests for imagines please do!


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