[33] Different Paths

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May 26, 2012

"You're seriously doing this right before graduation?" I ask as I look up into his eyes.

Shawn rubs the back if his neck, avoiding any eye contact with me. "Listen, I didn't even know I would get accepted into NYU. It was always my dream school and now the opportunity is right at my feet; I'm not giving this up."

I shake my head, "We agreed to go to Stanford together."

"Well maybe I don't want to!" Shawn raises his voice. "Maybe I want to do my own thing for once! For the past two years we've been together, everything's been about Y/N. Well you know what? I'm so sick of it; I want to do something I want for once."

He was making up so many accusations that were not true, I always gave Shawn a say in what we do. I cross my arms and stare Shawn straight in the eye.

"We're on two totally different paths right now," I start out with. "But I always gave you a say in what we do. Shawn, go do whatever the hell you want to do. I'm done."

I turn around and wipe the tear on my cheek before walking away. Shawn calls out my name, but stops when he knows I probably won't turn around.


November 27, 2015

After signing another book, my hand was starting to cramp. I mean, don't get me wrong, going around the country signing my #1 best-selling novel was amazing. I loved seeing everyone tell me how much they loved my book.

"Could you make this out to Shawn?" I look up and see an all too familiar face hand me a book.

"Sure," I smile at Shawn; not acting like I'm fazed by him.

His smile falters a little as he thinks I don't remember him. Of course I remember him though, Shawn was the first love of my life. I sign the book and hand it back to him.

Shawn starts to walk, but stops. "Do you remember me?"

"The guy who broke my heart three years ago? Nope. Not at all."

"I'm sorry," Shawn sighs. "After you walked away I knew I made–"

"Here's your coffee babe," Dylan comes up behind me and hands me my coffee.

"Shawn, this is my boyfriend. Dylan this is Shawn. I knew him in high school," Dylan shakes hands with Shawn.

"Dylan, as in Dylan O' Brien?" Shawn asks.

Dylan nods, "Yep. I'm actually in her movie for this book. We met on set."

"Oh – that's um, that's cool," Shawn takes the book and looks at the two of us. "I'll catch you later then Y/N."

Shawn walks away and Dylan bends down next to me, "Are you sure he was just a friend?"

"Yep," I nod. "Just a friend."


i'm back and i have many ideas thanks to everyone who requested last chapter!

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