[27] Friday Night Lights Part 2

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(part 2 to imagine #6 so read that first)

Two weeks.

Two weeks since Shawn got knocked out. Two weeks he's been in a coma. Shawn was at the hospital in his own room, with only the heart monitor ensuring people he was still alive.

"Want something to eat?" Karen, his mom, asks me.

"I'm fine thank you," She nods her head before going out and getting herself some food.

I came to the hospital every other day after school since I still needed to focus on my school work. There were times when I thought Shawn's fingers would twitch, but I would realize I'm just imagining things.

"You're lucky I'm skipping my physics homework just to see you," I say trying to ease the mood of me basically talking to myself. "I never thought this would actually happen to you. We were going to go out for ice cream after, but that obviously didn't happen. The longest time we weren't together was actually for two weeks; but we texted, we talked on the phone, we face timed. This is different though, and it's killing me knowing that you may not ever wake up. God I love you Shawn, we need you. I need you."

I sighed as I did realize I was in fact hungry. I might as well go home now since there's nothing really I can do, I'm not waiting here looking at my almost dead boyfriend. My hand turns the knob and I walk out of the room. As i head towards the exit, doctors run past me down the hall where Shawn is. Probably just some other patient who needs help.

"Somebody get Y/N Y/L/N! He said she's still here!" Shouting came from down the hall and I turned back.

"Um I'm her," I called to the doctor.

He ran over to me and rushed me to Shawn's room. When the door opened doctors were all surrounding Shawn...who was awake. His eyes searched frantically around the room until he found mine.

"Move," He told everyone and they did.

I ran to Shawn and hugged him, making sure it was a light one since he did after all wake up from a two week coma.

"I heard you," He said as I pulled away. "I knew I needed to wake up, and I finally did."

"I – I'm so happy right now holy shit."

"The doctors are going to check me okay? We can have all the time in the world together okay?" I nodded and squeezed his land one last time before heading out of the room.


This was really fun to do a part 2 to this original imagine! Hope you liked it, please request more imagines, just message me!

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