[51] Disney World

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requested by: @Kiersten-Mae
(ik you requested disneyland, but i'm from orlando and i really only know a lot about disneyworld so i hope this is okay lmao)


Shawn removed his hands from my eyes to reveal my childhood home: Disney World. Or to be more specific, Magic Kingdom. My smile grew widely as I turned around to my practically perfect boyfriend. "This is amazing! God I love you."

I cupped his face and planted a kiss on his lips. Shawn intertwined our hands and we entered the park. "Okay so I've got a fast pass to Space Mountain in an hour, then Splash Mountain after that, and then finally we have Big Thunder Mountain."

After Shawn and I ate lunch, we headed to Space Mountain. Even though we had three fast passes, we went on all the rides in sight basically. Shawn told me he wanted this day to be 'special' for us.

"Y/N follow me." Shawn took me to the castle as the sun was just setting. The sky was a deep shade of purple and pink; a beautiful way to end a day.

"Thank you for today Shawn. I haven't had this good of a day in a long time–"

"Wait Y/N," Shawn interrupted me before I could say anything else. "I wanna say this before the sun goes down because this is the perfect setting right now. Ever since we were little I knew I was in love with you, even before I knew what the word 'love' meant. That night – Senior Prom – changed my life. The way we danced on that floor, that was the moment we first kissed. We went as friends, but I wanted so much more after that night; we got it though. Look where we are now, six years later, hear at Disney. I love you so much Y/N Y/L/N. That's why I want you to be my wife...marry me."

At this point he was on one knee with a diamond ring in his hand. I knew this day was coming, I just didn't know when. My whole life I've been dreaming of one day marrying Shawn Mendes, now it was finally here. I nodded my head as quickly as I could. "Yes yes yes."

Shawn slid the ringer on my left hand and stood up. He kissed me as the last rays of sun set in the horizon. It was the end of a day, but a beginning to a beautiful life.


sorry this was short but i haven't updated this in such a long time. i haven't had much inspiration until i got a couple requests for an imagine. thank you guys for patiently waiting lol!

make sure to check out my other books :) i have the flash, the vampire diaries, and teen wolf fan fictions if you don't read them already.

make sure to vote and comment <3

make sure to vote and comment <3

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