[19] Road trip

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Waking up at 8 a.m on a Saturday morning wasn't my idea, it was Shawn's. He wanted to take a road trip to Las Vegas for a couple days. Me being me I hated road trips, an hour in the car was enough for me.

"You can sleep on the way," Shawn told me as we pulled out of my driveway.

"I can't sleep in cars. You know that."

"Listen," Shawn turned his head slightly towards me. "Your parents thought it would be a good idea to get out of the house for a couple days."

"So you're idea of 'getting out of the house' is going to Las Vegas?" I asked.

Shawn laughed and placed his hand on my thigh, "Yeah it is actually. I'll get you McDonalds halfway there if you be quiet."

I immediately stopped talking, he knew how much I loved McDonalds. Shawn leaned over the console, kissing my cheek before continuing to drive.

"Baby wake up," Shawn whispered.

He was shaking me and the sun was blaring in my eyes. I looked to see we were in Las Vegas, dang I actually slept through the whole ride.

"What time is it?" I yawned and stretched my arms.

"Noon. We're going to the hotel and then going out to eat."

I looked to see Shawn pull up into The Plaza Hotel and Casino.

"How the hell did you get this place?" I asked in awe.

"Being a successful singer does have its perks," He smirked and laced my hand in his.

He parked the car and we both got out, luckily no fans or paparazzi found us; well yet. The workers at the hotel took the car and left the luggage with us. Shawn took most of the bags as I took the others. We headed up to the 20th floor. When I read the words 'suite' on the plate on the wall I internally screamed. Even though I was the Shawn Mendes' girlfriend, we never really did things like these. So staying in a suite for a couple nights will make my top 10 moments in life list.

Shawn slid the card in the slot and the door opened. The inside was huge, I could fit my whole house in here. Shawn placed the luggage inside and picked me up off the floor.

"What are you doing?" I laughed as he took me to the bedroom.

"You know what," Shawn said pressing his lips to mine.

Well fuck. That's all I have to say really because this was very cute, every Shawn imagine is cute though.

And very happy right now because I got a 69% on my geometry test! I hate math, a lot


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