[6] Friday Night Lights

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Imagine Shawn being the quarterback for your high school team and he gets a concussion and falls unconscious.

The stands were completely full as we played our rivalry team today, the panthers. This was the whole talk during the week, if we won we would be in the playoffs and everyone knew if we got past this game our school would go on to win the state championships; as we did last year.

"Shawn!" I call over the fence where the whole team is preparing.

Shawn looks over and smiles as he spots me, he runs over to the fence and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Hey babe, here to tell me to kick some ass?" Shawn jokes.

"Yes and to tell you that my parents said you could stay the night; if you win though."

"Well I'll make sure to throw many touchdowns." Shawn cups my face and kisses me deeply on the lips.

Everyone knows how in love we are, we've been dating since sophomore year and here we are as seniors. I met him at lunch where he spilled baked beans on my white shirt, so he offered me to buy me another shirt. Shawn and I ended up spending the whole day together and we've had a strong connection ever since.

Our slow, long kiss ends as the coach calls the players over to get on the field.

"Be careful." I whisper as our foreheads rest against each others.

"I always am, I love you." Shawn kisses my forehead and runs over to the huddle, putting his helmet on the way.

Before every game I told Shawn to be careful, one awful hit and he's done for. Shawn only got injured once and that was last year when he broke his ankle.

I head back up the bleachers and sit next to Alexis.

"Next time keep the pda to a minimum." Alexis jokes.

"Nah I'm good."

The whole game is back and forth; we score then the panthers score. By the 4th quarter it is tied 35-35. We have the ball at the panthers 48 yard line with :30 seconds to go. The ball snaps and Shawn drops back to throw ball and finds Jack down at the 20 yard line. Jack runs out of bounds for the clock to stop. We go no huddle and the ball snaps again. Moments pass and Shawn can't find a guy open. One of the defensive linemen get past and Shawn throws the ball up into the end zone. I don't see what happened to Shawn as I watch Tyler catch the ball for the win as the time hits 0:00. People start screaming and I look back to see Shawn lying unconscious on the ground.

"Y/N what's wrong with Shawn?" That's the only thing I hear before I run down the stands and jump over the fence.

Coaches and some players surround Shawn on the field as the medical assistant checks Shawn.

"What's wrong with him?" I ask Jack as he looks over Shawn.

"Defensive linemen hit Shawn real hard and he fell to the ground, he's not responding to anything."

I push past a coach and he lets me as he knows who I am. I reach down and stroke Shawn's cheek as I let tears fall out of my eyes. I notice that the whole crowd is silent now, everyone knows Shawn. His breathing is light which assures me that he is alive, but when is he going to wake up?

"The ambulance is on its way." Somebody says.

"Shawn, Shawn please wake up. I love you." I whisper as I run my hands through his sweaty hair.

I don't know when he will wake up but when he does, I will never let him go.


Shawn as a quarterback, yes please.

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